Should We Boycott “The Chosen” Over a Pride Flag? ️‍



You cant ask if someone is gay, you cant fire someone for being gay, but as a business owner you CAN regulate what type of dress code is allowed and what merchandise is allowed in the office setting.

By allowing a pride flag to be on set and noticeably in the people’s faces that they are supposedly trying to reach, they are misleading people into false and corrupt ideologies! Not only does it confuse the fans, it also shows solidarity with evil ways, and does more harm than good! The biggest issue I take with the entire situation, are the responses from both Dallas and the cast members, who have vehemently attacked those who have simply asked legitimate questions! There are far too many discrepancies with this show, and I for one will no longer give money more my time to a show who claims to represent the authentic jesus, yet, half the content is not even biblical! They should be ashamed at how they have handled the situation, which is what broke the camels back for me! We as Christian’s have got to quit being so complacent, and stand up for Truth and honor! Because of this complacency, the world has become riddled with deception, lies, and wicked ways! It’s now or never!


  1. I love the Chosen. Keep it on, the person that did it wants to be noticed .
    Keep this show on, I look foreward to watching all the episodes. This is the best movie I ever saw on Jesus and and makes it easy to understand
    the back ground of the Jewish religion . Also having Rabbi Sobor to explain ,I have learned so much. Thank you Dallas and Co.

  2. I am very happy to see the decision to end discrimination in our universities and colleges. Students should only be selected based on their scholastic track record and not the color of their skin, religion or race!

  3. I am a very fair believer in that all election ballots throughout the entire United States of America should no longer be in any other language except English. My Relatives and my wifes relatives came from other countries and they all had to learn English. I also believe that no person should be allowed to vote in any election unless they are an American Citizen! A Voter I.D. should be required that mandates the proof of their citizenship by a legitimate Birth Certificate and or The final certificate of citizenship achieved when taking the oath to become an American Citizen.


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