The BEST Trump Endorsement Ever In Public!!! WOW



The best endorsement of Trump is Joe Biden.

They need to make Marjorie Taylor Greene speaker of the house at least she speaks up for America she is not a wimp


  1. Joe Biden is a dummy, was born a dummy, was a dummy all his life, is a dummy now and the leading of his hanger-on, sychophantic wanna-be’s like Gavin gravel-voice Newsom, are dummies too. God help the Democrats come out their long night.

    • Truer words NEVER spoken!
      Near bottom of Law School graduating class. Claimed to be on academic scholorship=LIE, Several degrees=LIE. Fellow (I was going to say man) is a PATHALOGICAL LIER never participated in Moot Court or Debate Team
      Vital for becoming a good lawyer! EVERY TIME HE SPEAKS I WONDER WHO SAID THAT FIRST. (Obama said, Joe has never been on side of a winning decision in his life! “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to F–k things up.”)

      Joe is a “pseudologia fantastica” or “mythomania” A pathaligical liar & has never had an original thought in his life! Joe was selected by Barack Obama to be his Life Insurance Policy & Joe selected Kamala Harris for same reason!

    • ..and people want to pretend that DJT would be dangerous for America. These “safe mobility offices” are being established outside of legislative action, by executive order or just by Mayorkas knowing he can reduce the reportable numbers at the southern border by bringing illegal immigrants into the United States through other means. Folks, if you don’t know why the democrat party, the socialists and communists in our own government, are flooding our country with aliens, you should find out. This is how you topple our current form of government and our culture, slowly and patiently. Mayorkas and his people do not care for US citizens nor our safety or culture. They want a new nation. He is a traitor and should be treated as such. Every government employee who is involved in this lawless “immigration” scheme should be rooted out and charged with crimes. Misfeasance, malfeasance and non-feasance in office.

      • MJT,
        Glad you are bringing these actions to light. Now its time to draft legislation against this lawless “safe mobility offices” and ensure stiff penalties are attached. Please, Get to work.

  2. Thank you for standing up for what is right. We need more like you in government. God bless you Marjorie Taylor Greene. We pretty much know by now anything that Biden and his Administration wants to pass is not for American citizens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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