Shoplifting is Changing NYC… Permanently



That’s not shoplifting now. It’s just looting.
Stealing, rioting and looting is NOT SHOPLIFTING.

Play stupid games ……Win stupid prizes. May NYC become the next Detroit.


  1. KEEP VOTING DEMO. Oh, their hungry and need to steal (as AOC says). If their stealing in NYC STOP paying welfare to NYC citizens (they don’t need money, just steal). Guards should be able to SHOOT the criminals.

  2. Come in my store to loot and I will shoot you. I might wind up in prison, but you’ll be six feet under and no longer a threat to anyone.

  3. They get what they deserve. You all voted these people into office, suffer the consequences. Bet the braindead zombies vote for them again.

    • A combination of brain-dead indoctrinated zombies voting, corrupt voters, illegal voters, dead voters and rigged elections, etc. – it was in the cards. A major house cleaning of corrupt politicians and “lawmakers”, “educators”, etc. is necessary to cleanse the filth that has desecrated our society. We will eventually reach a point of no return if something major isn’t done. Trump 2024!!!

  4. NY’ers got what they wanted: Less police, more illegals, soft on crime = more crime and higher prices. Boo hoo hoo.

    Please…DON’T come to MY state! We don’t WANT nor do we NEED you!

  5. Beware Cali and Nyc immigrants moving south or west. They will import family from everywhere to vote Dimms into office.

    • Soooooo irritating, they move to get out of their own toilets and bring their political poop with them.

      Ran us out of Colorado years ago.

  6. So I’m down in coastal South Carolina, and hit the Walmart this morning.
    They now have clerks and security monitoring the exits as well as more at the DIY checkouts.

    When leaving, I told the exit security guy that if Biden got re-elected, they would needs guns within one or two years.

    He just nodded yes. Agreeing or humoring me, I don’t know.

  7. At some point, maybe even the low IQ voters in these jurisdictions will have a light-bulb moment and stop voting for these far-left “democrat” prosecutors and legislators. Everyone else knows what happens when a city disincentivizes LEOs from doing there jobs, and then stops prosecuting thieves and sending them to PRISON! Normal everyday taxpayers and especially business owners need to stand up for themselves. Since you aren’t allowed to stop paying taxes for services your are not receiving, move out !!!
    Hint Hint- your leftist leaders enjoy the chaos and are counting on you to stop trusting your current government. They want you to acquiesce to them starting a new form of government. It starts with C.O.M.M and ends in ISM.


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