Martha MacCallum to Kayleigh McEnany: Biden’s candidacy got ‘even more interesting’



I’m the guy who got the Ukrainian war going, I’m the guy who’s holding the border open, I’m the guy who’s put billions and billions of USA money into the war I started in Ukraine.

He shouldn’t be in office NOW!!!!


  1. My husband and I recently converted from Republicans to Independents. All because we don’t want Trump back as President. Now after the debate we are thinking maybe Trump would be a better choice. My question for Democrats is what if his September debate is also horrible? Biden says he doesn’t debate as good as he used to but he is the one that pushed for these 2 debates. Come September debate the Democrats are stuck with him and then Trump does win. Biden keeps saying that the American people voted for him. We didn’t have all the facts then as we do now. Have us vote today and it would be anyone else than him.

    Something else I haven’t heard anyone looking at on the very slim chance Biden is elected based on current state of decline he would have to give up his Presidency to his VP. I personally would like to see her running now and outlining what she would do as President. I would rather know now than find out she isn’t fit to be President later. If she were running I think she would have a better chance at winning than Trump, especially if she were to pick someone like Newsome to be her VP.

  2. I laughed most of way throughout your post, then laughed so hard I peed my pants when you said cackling Kamala would beat Trump and you want newsom to be Veep !! Evidently you have been asleep for last 4 years. And you have never been to the shit hole state of California that newsom created !!
    And you believe these two a-holes should run country you have proven your IQ IS SMALLER than your shoe size.
    You have NEVER been a Republican!! Any one can see thru that BS.
    TRY again !! No one believes you or your BS


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