Obama to hold intervention with Biden as Kamala is ‘furious’ post-debate: Report



Obamas forth term is in danger

Shame on you Jill Biden!!!


  1. this is the prime example of why I have not watched FOX now for years
    Fox is in the category as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR & NBC to name a few. FOX has become far left

    • I believe that you are mostly complaining about the blond that nobody ever heard of before. There was nothing wrong about this episode except the presence of the blond, democrat strategist. Fox tends to have a democrat strategist to show how demented and utterly stupid democrat policies are. The new blond is probably being groomed to take a place at the table of the Five which always has one liberal whose ideas we love to hate. Other than the opinions of the stupid blond, this Fox episode was newsworthy.

  2. Who is the blonde bimbo? Obviously, the bleach has seeped into her brain. Another reason to never watch Fox News. It doesn’t matter who the demoncrats run against Trump this time. America is done with the demoncrats bullschiff policies. Any demoncrat president will push the same, failing policies.

  3. The Democrat bashers never state what their BS policies they are complaining about are. They just call them names. What are the bS policies? The ones that have led to the lowest prolonged unemployment rates ever with no recession when every other industrialized nations suffered economic depression? Doing something to stop global warming? Oh I forgot Inhof brought a snowball into the halls of congress so obviously don’t need to do anything about global warming while the southwest temps reach 130. Just dandy

  4. Biden isn’t relinquishing the presidency, in fear that as soon as he does he will be going to Getmo on a one way flight due to all the evidences of his criminal (traitorous) activity.
    Gruesome Newsom and Gritzmire Witmier relative of Sorus are not presidential material, and are anti-American elitists who should not be in politics. Democrats has nobody who can step up to the plate because they have removed anybody who has common sense.

  5. I have a important question. The Democrats can not control the chaos that had been caused by the mental abilities of current President. I have taken care of both my parents with Dementia/Alzheimers until they passed. PRESIDENT BIDEN clearly exhibits many signs of having this condition. I bet most medical professionals would agree.The decline does not happen overnight. He retires by 8:00 pm, maybe he has Sun Downers. This condition does not get better, it only gets progressively more debilitating. Such a terrible disease.
    The Biden family are making it all about them, not what is good for our country or Joe. How can they expect anyone to vote for the Democratic Party when they cannot keep their own house in order?


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