Crowd Laughs Out Loud At ‘The View’ Host’s Unexpected Answer To This Question



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Who else stopped watching and believing everything the mainstream media told us a long time ago?


  1. Wopie is the very thing she says she keeps steeping in. It is brown, it stinks and it has no brain. Wopie get educated in world history and learn what Hitler did to his own country just before WWll. Your brother Biden is doing the very same thing. Real Americans don’t listen to anything you have to say because it is always mindless and loaded with lies.

    • It seems Woopie experiences frequent loose bowel movements and has difficulty keeping track of her speech does she get lost walking off the stage and need someone to guide her? Is she prone to falling when ascending or descending stairs? If the answer is affirmative, she should be removed from her position in the same manner that her hero will be ousted from office, because neither she nor he is qualified to perform the duties for which they are being compensated. 🙂

  2. As it has been said so many times and by people who have voices that reach out to many others, Opinions are like assholes everybody has one. What is so very frustrating is they have the attention of people and waste it upon words without substance.

    Voices that have the ability to inform us with facts that are real but choose to spread disinformation and outright hate. Her words contain hate that are used because of personal reasons that are often shallow and based upon opinions of others. phrases repeated so often that without a dependable source sound as if they are.

    Again frustrating because the people that spread these lies have the ability and resources to find what is true. It seems that they dont want to find what is true. The single reason is to prevent President Trump from office.

    I ask all who elected him the first time to show us his mistakes that harmed America. Forget all the catchphrases and accusations, that make him look like the villain. with eviction notice in hand ready to kick Grandma from her home. Golden coins falling from bulging pockets.

    Look and remember your own situation when Trump first ran. Remember his words, and what he promised. Which ones did he keep? Remember he, like every president doesn’t control the nation. He must have the cooperation to provide the legislation from both houses.

    He cant wave the wand borrowed from Harry that will cure all the problems. Were you better off after he served as president? Now ask the same question with biden as president.

    Forget the stumbling and bumbling that has no effect upon our nations economics anyway. go to the facts provided by our government data. Did he do what he said he would do? Are you better off today or when Trump was president?

    If your answer will be guided by the data and not emotions that we are fed every day with a single objective. Ask yourself why have they spent so much money to keep him from office. The answer isn’t hard to determine.

    Our politicians have become corrupt. When he is elected he wants to stop it. The corrupt know that they will be prosecuted. So many have been exposed. When false charges have been made and laws twisted to prosecute, it will be done to any citizen that opposes their agenda.
    We have un-elected people in agencies that are making laws that bypass congress that will convict the average man or woman who speaks up to provide the proof of corruption.

    Our constitution is standing in the way of their ability to rule. President Trump will again stand to see our nation remain a republic, not the democracy that represents any minority with hurt feelings. Our nation has become close to failing.

    Even with Trump at the helm, our ship is in serious danger. It will take every moment of his four years to bring America back to a recovery point. We cant, must not hesitate. We have an opportunity to recover the freedoms for our children we once had. choose wisely———-I, Grampa

  3. Whoopie says she doesn’t care if Biden shits his pants or babbles (can’t put a sentence together) when he speaks to all the citizens of this country but show her proof Biden isn’t fit to run the country? What the hell kind of statement is that? This hag and the rest of these hags on the View are so screwed up in the head and they have a talk show telling people what their hateful thoughts and beliefs are!! They should be taken off the air and canceled permanently. Why are they allowed to voice their hateful opinions and to spread vicious lies about Donald Trump but they have a conniption when any republican says something about Biden. Biden’s age is not the problem it’s his incompetence to be a leader of this country. There are people that are in their late nineties that have the ability to do anything they please, Biden isn’t one of those people, his brain isn’t working well enough to do the job of president of the USA. To hear the liberal left talking about how Biden worked for this country and his accomplishments is a complete joke. What has he accomplished except to rip apart our country and destroy our democracy. Biden is a dictator with the agenda to make sure we will become a One World Order. Obama didn’t get the job done in his eight years so Biden was put in but behind the scenes Obama is calling the shots, Biden is just the stand in “president” for Obama’s third term. Biden doesn’t have the ability to find his way off the stage or probably can’t wipe his ass properly and some of these lefties think he is fine to run our country? No No and Hell No!!!!


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