“That Doesn’t Add Up”: Top Sniper Exposes the Biggest Holes in the Trump Shooting Narrative



How can you be acting alone when the entire government is helping you?

Why did Biden make the bullseye comment on Trump?


  1. The White House announced on Wednesday that the first lady will speak at an Italian Sons and Daughters of America dinner in Pittsburgh at 5 p.m. Saturday, the same day and town of the Trump assassination attempt.Biden, during a call with donors said, “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,” according to a summary of the call provided by his campaign. The SS usually covering President Trump was shifted to Jill Biden and replaced with some individuals that were not trained SS agents. The head of the SS has history with Jill Biden and was selected to head up the SS in Biden’s administration. Was Biden’s comment a directive to the head of the SS to act and was Jills visit a convenient cover to what was already in a plan?

  2. Their is a real Democratic catastrophe here. Kamala can’t possibly beat Trump. So why spend 400 million on her if they know she won’t win? Their solution is simple. They have to “kill Trump.” Trump should change all security protocol if he wants to survive to take office. Trump needs to stop speaking with people surrounding him on all sides, needs to use bullet proof and bomb proof protection. I think they may attack with a drone, so no outside speeches and A missile would be a possibility. A Marine General named Iron Pants Hague, retrieved several S.A.R.S. missiles from Palestine in the late 60’s they are second generation MX Russian missiles. One of those could be placed in position under a stage or even in the President’s own space un-noticed if it was reinstalled into a stand of some sort. These are particularly dangerous because these rockets had Russian made thermite mixed with sawdust and nitroglycerin. I have seen an English fighter in air combat over Palestine hit with one. Within 2 seconds at the most there was nothing but a tumbling fireball with no escape for the pilot. Trump needs real security safeguards in place. I would reverse all scheduled itinerary and seize control of the safety zone he needs to create for his speeches, that’s everywhere.

  3. How does a 20 yr old know about a range unit? Where did he learn to shoot when his father just bought the weapon? why does he have three contacts abroad? who sells fifty pounds of explosives to a 20 yr old kid?

    • who? socialist that want to “trans”form the country. who is to blame? the cowards that will do NOTHING to stop them. Instead, “they” continue to send money to them. Enjoy being happy slaves to the most ignorant humans walking (mumbling & stumbling) the planet. Pat yourselves on the back….. you’ve earned it

  4. Harris will beat Trump.
    Trump 78 had a chance vs Biden, 81
    No chance against Harris, 58
    In his 92 min rambling speech Trump showed he has dementia

  5. I agree, we must suspect more attacks on Trump are coming! I mentioned that people with cameras, news men or acting as one, could easily have had a small gun in their cameras. They were all around Trump everywhere.


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