BREAKING NEWS: Biden DROPS OUT | Obamas Cease Control and Abandon Kamala Harris



President Biden announces he is dropping out of presidential race. Kamala Harris and Jim Clyburn pissed she isn’t considered the automatic front runner.

Donald Trump appeared to be shot in the ear as gunshots were fired at the former president at a rally in Pennsylvania. Donald Trump appeared to be shot in the ear as gunshots were fired at the former president at a rally in Pennsylvania.


  1. Obama isn’t going nowhere. His fingerprints are over this whole administration and that included the Kacklin’ Jackyl.

  2. God help us if ‘heels up’ harris gets the top job on November 5th 2024. Hopefully all of America has seen just what a bird brained idiot this clown is and will vote Republican across the ballot. Her ineptitude and incompetence are scary and downright pathetic to say the least. If she got to where she is now with hard work, smarts and an honest effort, maybe she would be acceptable, NOT. But she got to where she is now first as willie brown’s ‘side piece’ and is partially responsible for his divorce. She wanted the San Francisco district attorney position, for which she wasn’t qualified and when she got what she wanted, she dumped willie brown. Then for some reason only known to God, she moved on to the state attorney general position ( somebody explain how she got the top legal job if she wasn’t qualified for the district attorney position) and after this she got a state senator position. Does anybody with half a brain see the pattern here? Bottom line harris is in over her head, doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing and in the words of Judge Judy ‘making it up as she’s going along’. She’s an opportunist and snake in the grass, will smile at you all while stabbing you in the back and will say and do anything that’ll promote her own personal agenda and doesn’t care who she hurts or screws, even the USA. She thinks she’s a shoo in now old joey’s stepped down, and God help us if she becomes president (even as scary as gruesome newsom, the idiot, oaf and destroyer of San Francisco and California). The funny if not pathetic thing, the liberals are running scared and trying to do damage control despite 3+ years of doing ZIPPO for the country. These clowns think America and the American people want 4 more years of the last 3+ years of their incompetence and ineptitude to run things, other than run them into the ground that by the way they’ve done a bang up job in states they run, like California and New York for example. I just can’t stop laughing at this nonsense if it wasn’t scary to say the least. If you still need convincing on the danger of these idiots, a look and smell at any of the large cities in California will convince you this is not what’s best for the country and not to vote for EVER if you value, your wallets sanity and a decent quality of living. God please educate the American people of the danger of the liberals and stop this nightmare before it becomes real.

    • Bill, the voters only see the sex and color of Kamala, they don’t care that she’s not qualified to mop floors. Baltimore City voted for a DA because in their words “she cute”, turns out she was a conniving thief and George Soros bought and paid for, hoping she goes to jail. This is the same mentality that gave us Obama, Joe Biden and now Kamala.

  3. Harris will be worse than Biden. If you really think Harris can be President just look at the border, she was put in charge. Watch her interview with Lester Holt just plug your ears when she starts to cackle!

  4. can’t wait for a Trump Harris Debate
    Trump will destroy her like he did Potato Head
    unless they give her easy questions that will
    be given to her in advance
    trump 2024

  5. eye wood lyke yu gize two uze beter gramer annd spelin n yur komence

    Using good English makes you sound good and your comments will be taken more seriously. Could be you’re colorblind and you cannot see the red or blue lines under the mistake.

    I do hope Trump wins by a landslide. When he wins by any margin the Dingdong Dems will cry foul (or is it fowl?).


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