“There’s NO WAY one shooter did this” Eye Witnesses confirm 2nd Trump shooter | Redacted News


We’re learning some disturbing new details about the attempted attack on Trump’s life as Redacted spoke to eye witnesses who say the official story simply doesn’t add up.


Victoria Nuland saying she knows Trump won’t be President because of a “surprise”….Imagine that.

This is OUR country. Not the Governments’ country.


    • the snipers that took out the kid, didn’t have silencers. Some of their shots were recorded and they are heard on the audio. Cheatle could/would NOT say how many shell casings were on the sloped roof? Amerika IS the evil empire today. Has been under socialism since 1865, when the republic was destroyed by a tyrant & mass murderer

  1. A competent and honest CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) will answer these questions. Shot ‘line-of-sight’, bullet path and trajectory will determine if all shots came from the suspect’s location. Any recovered bullets can be matched to the suspected shooter’s rifle. Audio recordings of the shots will determine how many rounds were fired. Spent cartridge casings from the shooter’s rifle found by his body will determine how many rounds the suspected shooter fired. If there was only one shooter, all of these identifiers should match up and be accounted for. If more shots were recorded than shell casings found and recovered bullets that did not match the shooter’s rifle, then there was another shooter. Given the FBI’s past history of tampering with evidence to fit their political agenda (Waco, OKC bombing, Hillary’s e-mail servers, Seth Rich evidence, Hunter’s laptop, Mar-A-Lago, etc.), I have no confidence that the truth of this attempted assassination will ever see the light of day.

  2. Its interesting, after JFK’s assionation there were discussions like “lets make sure that this doesn’t ever happen again”, well, lo and behold look what “happened again”.

  3. Where was Ballwin?…Maybe the moron Rob Deniro too…Both Trump haters and as dumb as pet rocks, although Ballwin walked on shooting and killing a lady, so, Not to dumb, huh.


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