Trump BREAKS Internet With Hysterical New Ad TORCHING Kamala After Biden QUITS in Disgrace! Genius



You Need to vote Trump if you love AMERICA and want to protect your children.

Having Soros as a backer should immediately disqualify Harris.


  1. Kamala Harris is the Democrats Party’s Village Idiot. She starts her babbling laughter when she receives a question she is uncomfortable with or doesn’t know the answer to!

    A fine example of Kamala’s work on the southern border, was to find out the root cause on why all these illegals are coming to our country. One of the reasons Kamala made, is the illegals are coming because of climate change!

    The actual reason why illegal migrants want to come to our country is to get away from their socialist and communist countries they came from! Kamala’s and her Democrat Communist Party wants new voters for her party. That’s why the Dem’s are giving illegal immigrants $1,500 a month, free housing, free healthcare, free cell phone…etc, while they throw our combat veterans out onto the streets.

  2. The reason our government is throwing combat Veterans into the streets is because they have no money to steal from them to give to the newcomer democrat voters….

    • … except for Veterans’ benefits, along with SS benefits that are being diverted to the illegal aliens (not migrants or immigrants – ILLEGALS).

  3. Kamala Harris is the first child of two foreigners on student visas in CA, and is constitutionally ineligible to be president. At age 6, her mom and the two daughters moved to the midwest to begin the trans medicine that turned K. H. into a girl, and after 4-5 years, moved to ONTARIO, CANADA to continue to hide out. K. Harris was first seen on film taken at orgies in Sacramento, CA in the early 1990s. She came to the attention of Willie Brown who handed her $442,000/year from two state committees to which he appointed her. What people are willing to do for intimacy. It is known that Harris could not pass the state bar and in the end, they hired someone to take the bar exam for her. Willie Brown got his friend who was then San Francisco’s DA, Vincent Hallinan, to hire her after she was fired from the Alameda County DA, and in 2 years, she used dirty news to beat him in the re-election. As DA, she was paid millions for letting 450 child raping priests walk, and escape any trial or punishment for their crimes. Planned Parenthood paid her millions to wipe out the video proof of their deception and attack that brave journalist. As state attorney general, she ran around giving small town hospitals to church groups like the 7th Day Adventists for free, while they contributed millions to her on the side. Her crimes are legendary.

    • I read articles when Trump was President that Kamala’s mother was from India and her father was from Jamaica. Her paternal grandfather was a slave owner in Jamaica. If laughing-hyena Kamala was not born in US, I’m sure the paperwork has already been forged to show otherwise. Of course, those articles that I read seem to have vanished. BTW, she was not “that little girl on the bus”.

      I have also heard about her sleeping her way into her “positions” in CA. That’s the only way she could have achieved them. There’s no way she could accomplish DA and AG careers without intervention considering her word salad speeches in her current “position” (with script writers no less).

  4. Read this article by Trending Politics News:

    New Report Crushes Democrat Narrative, Reveals Kamala Is Descendant Of ‘Notorious’ Slave Owners

    Unfortunately, I couldn’t enter it as a link so you have to type the headline in.

    • After ALL the ROTTEN things Mr MAGOO has done to this country over the last three and a half years WHY THE HELL WOULD WANNA VOTE FLR HIZ SECOND IN COMMAND??? YOU ARE REMEDIAL

    • What crook??? WHAT CHARGES???? Did you forget about the Supreme Court’s ruling REMEDIAL SHEEP?!?!?? THE SHAM SHOW FROM YOUR RAT PARTY IS DISGUSTING!!!!🤢 TRUMP2024!!!! Go post your libtarded views on aol

  5. Do you trup followers are as crazy as this ignorant who was
    raising amounts low life prostitution since his parents were in Ireland? Oh God 🤬


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