Photos of Kamala’s Family Democrats Don’t Want Black Americans to See



Lying about her cultural heritage, is the LEAST of her sins.

I am 72 years old I don’t support Kamala Harris. I don’t care what her race is ,I was not going to vote democratic anyway


  1. You did not listen when Barack’s relative spoke. Why would you pay attention now? Daddy is Jamaican, not black.
    Joe lied multiple times about where he lived and what he did, or did not do. Why do Democrats lie about most everything? IE: Richaerd Blumenthal (Stolen Valor), Eric Swalwell (Chinese spy), Mark Kelly (Chinese start up in AZ), etc.

  2. Donald Trump did the same thing to President Barack Obama. the race cultural bull shit. Who cares what his / her race or culture is? Can they do the job? If you vote Trump, you are just as bad as he is, lying, not answering question when asked and always reacting negatively. He even looks like the devil from the past who’s Daddy made his money from the backs of slaves. I agree with only one thing when it comes to Trump. Protecting our Boarders.

    • Hillary started the controversy over Obama’s birth country in Democrat primary!! Showing your complete ignorance again !!
      And another Democrat cult member speed forth the line that Trump lies but can’t give any proof !!
      And she accepts all the lies and BS fed her by her Democrat masters !!
      Stupid is as stupid does

    • Kamala’s family also owned slaves. I don’t give a 💩 if they owned slaves or not, but don’t exclude one side if you’re bringing it up. Also, if you only agree with Trump regarding the border, you don’t know anything about his policies!!

  3. I don’t profess to say Donald Trump is perfect, no one is but to compare the accomplishments Donald Trump has achieved and the accomplishments from the radical left democrats are a huge difference because the left only tries to make things look better when they have an agenda to push, therefore they will do whatever it takes to get people to vote for them. Donald Trump has always stated he would do right by our country and the people, liberal leftists never made that promise unless it was an election year. Should I say more?

  4. she identifies as Indian American mother from India
    father from Jamaican
    she needs to stop LYING
    and besides that she is just plain stupid, and will cackle
    and when you are 29 and having relations with a senior citizen 60 year old yuk it be like having sex with grand pa or daddy yuk
    she is just a plain old hoe

  5. My countrymen are really on something strange. Other Nationalities have black people, dark-skinned people, not just African descent. I do not understand why it matters, you don’t care anything about voting for a convicted felon, documented racist, liar, cheat, womanizer, or sexist, and you are preoccupied with her nationality! Lord help my country

    • Have some more Kool-Aid. Lying about one’s ethnicity is still lying and, why? You must have been asleep during the 4 years that Trump was our president. America was prospering, borders were closed, with the help of Mexico, we had respect from other nations, we were energy efficient, there was a war on drugs in place, etc. The lies from Trump that you mentioned were lies created by the leftists – they were the liars. The conviction of Trump was also based on lies by Bragg and Merchan as a political ploy. It will be overturned. The DA’s and judges are being investigated by Congress and, hopefully soon disbarred and face criminal charges. The only documented racism is by the leftist racists that scream racism anytime some doesn’t agree with them. The documents that Trump had were when he was President, not illegal. Unlike the documents that Biden had that he obtained when he was a senator, VP and citizen before he was president, very illegal. Trump has many, many black followers that are sick and tired of the lies from the leftist politicians. The sexist, womanizer claims again, are from leftists that are grasping at straws. Stormy should not be used as the pillar of honor. She contradicted previous statements about her and Trump. Look what she does for a living. That sleazeball previous attorney, Cohen is a known liar and was convicted and served timed for perjury in the past. That lunatic E. Jean Carroll – what can you say about someone who lives with rats in the forest? She says Trump raped her in a dressing room? Spare me, Trump has never been accused of rape and he certainly wouldn’t have touched her with a 10-foot pole. That will get overturned. He was not convicted of rape.

    • Oh, I forgot to add a response to “other nationalities have blacks…, not just African decent.” Although that is true, Kamala claimed that she is African decent. She never said Jamaican. She’s the one that has lied. That also includes, “I was that little girl”, which was a lie because she was born a decade after the integration law that was passed in Congress. BTW, Biden voted against integration.

    • Hey ASSHOLE
      Read the law trump is not a convicted felon
      1.Until he is sentence
      2.The trial is not officially over until the gag order is lifted won’t mater call him all the names you want
      it will all be over turned
      Trump will be President 2024
      so go howl at the moon or leave the country
      we dont need trash like you

  6. In her defense, Kamala Harris actually had plenty of babies….. but this Abortion Queen killed them all in various stages of the baby’s development

  7. Black people dont care if she is GREEN, she going to be USA ” Madam PRESIDENT” and Jamaicans and many south asians are Black! Learn to read Black History Bigots!

  8. I can not believe that people would vote for someone just to make history, If you want to live in a country of misery corruption, starvation, with open borders, more drugs and more murderers coming from other countries, taking your jobs and your Medicare and even your homes and killing your families, then Kamala Harris is the one. she will lie to you with every breath she takes, she does not care about America or the American citizens, she only cares about illegal immigrants. I can not stand that stupid laugh she has, she even laughs at the stupidest things. My vote will go to the one that cares about America, and that’s not Kamala Harris

  9. Why are people getting side tracked by all this negative stuff Trump says unless he can state facts and talk about what his agenda is for this country, which he never does, all he does is throw smoke screens to evade real issues, why would anyone even consider voting for him. Get real people this is the future of our country, whether you are black, brown, yellow, white or green, we are all here together, get past the hate.


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