Jesse Watters: The Obamas can fool a lot of people, but they can’t fool me



What doesn’t Obama get out of the whitehouse. They have been out of office but still keep running the government. Their terms are over, please leave. Enough is Enough.

They don’t fool me one minute! They are evil to the core!


  1. Fuck Michelle and Barack Obama, who cares what they think! Kamala Harris isn’t going to win the presidential election anyway. She avoids press conferences she says nothing but word salads. I can’t wait to see the debate Trump is going to wipe the floor with her stupidity! Trump 2024

    • You have lost YOUR mind !! Both brain cells are gone !!.
      Patriotic Americans are sick of lies and bullshit from communist Democrats!! What has Biden/ Harris done to help Americans ?

      Kamala the border czar has allowed over 10 million ILLEGALS to cross the border ! Non vetted non vaccinated!!
      Gad priced doubled !
      Grocery prices up 20 percent
      Housing / mortgage rates at record high.
      Rampant crime!!
      Stores closing !!
      Unemployment high !

      Need I go on ??

      3 yrs ago Kamala got less than 2 percent of Democrat vote. She is a DEI hire! Now the Democrat cult is stupid enough to think she is fantastic and could be POTUS!

      But as Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!”

  2. George is a total IDIOT! Nobody but idiots watched the Marxist CIRCUS making complete fools of themselves and LYING to all the uneducated, stupid supporters!

  3. Years ago I saw a photo on the internet the title was “two dudes in love “ it was a photo of Obama and Mikey “ two guys not a man and a woman…they both should be tried for treason and deceiving America they are not who and what they pretend to be..Obama recently admitted he thought of going to bed with men daily..these two should be tried in a court room not still lying on a microphone


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