For those who are going to claim this is racist, tell them to shut their face.
As a black man, I’ve had ID for 22 years. It wasn’t hard and it wasn’t expensive. It used to cost $20. My ex is Hispanic and she just became a legal citizen. She’s had ID since she got here.
That’s not an excuse anymore.
TRUMP 2024!

You should NOT be ALLOWED to vote in ANY country if you are NOT a CITIZEN of that country.


  1. A democrat can not be trusted, they are sick individuals with veils that hide all truth over their brain, My opinion is that Satan puts on the veils.

  2. Enough. If you want to vote you must be a citizen of the USA and have an ID. It’s not that hard to figure out unless you’re a Democrat.
    ID Citizen period

    • Correct. It’s not political. It’s not about race, gender or what you look and act like. Are you alive? Are you living in the correct voting district? Are you over 18? Are you a citizen of the US? Yes, you can vote. No, you can’t vote. Plain and simple.

      Every time I vote, even in local elections, I have to show my ID at least twice. I’m not offended. The only ones that have a problem are either going to cheat or help someone else cheat.

  3. The nonsense continues. So voter suppression is not allowing illegals to vote, or people to vote with no ID. This is happening now. There is so much of it, cannot be stopped everywhere. Top that off with Voter Rolls that are continually inactive, people that should not be on voters rolls, but are. And dead people voting. People voting from two different addresses. This isn’t just a few. In Washington D.C. there was 67,822 that questionable, another 37,000+ that were promised to be taken off. Bunch more that were inactive. That is according to the NVRA. One city in one state. Every two years these voting rolls need to be cleaned. As little as one or two were taken off, other places just ignored the law. S, you will not hear this lack of election integrity on Mainstream Media. Why? The First News, NewsMax, IMPPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters are the only non-biased news. And they fact check. So much for the safest election of all time.

  4. Of course, it’s a common sense protocols that every voters must be the United States Citizens and needs to show their ID cards to prove it. People who are registering to vote must be the USA citizens. City and County of the States must to check all the voters of their ID. In 2020, there have been too many cheatings on the voters ballot counts.

  5. In the words of Mary Garcia: “NON voters are like an aphid on the Rose of Liberty” It is the responsibility for every eligible Citizen to cast their vote; for the sake of our Sacred Covenant to our Children and our Children’s Children, that they may have the chance to inherit a better life than bequeathed US!

    • Agreed. However, for ALLEGED social justice, according to liberal or leftist, Demoncrats & their ilk, churches such as: Presbyterian USA, Methodist Liberal Faction, Lutheran Liberal Faction and some Southern Liberal Baptist Factions, promote their new blasphemy, heresy, apostasy, reprobate jargon and rhetoric is these people crossing the border. They preach that the migrants are poor migrants, have less, are disadvantaged, and they deserve to be counted as Americans when they step over our border. Because they yearn for opportunity and if we as Christians do not give these illegals social justice, or help the poor as written in the scriptures, then we will not see salvation. They punch swiss cheese holes in the Bible It does not state that in the Bible. Our salvation is when we first believe in Lord Jesus Christ is our salvation and it is not gained through good works so no person can boast. These same “FALSELY” preach the reason Sodom & Gomorrah was burned by God is because they did not permit strangers or illegals entry into their city – they claim it had nothing to do with their idolatry which was illegal in the New Testament, A-nal acts illegal in the New Testament, their relationship in carnal with animals, murdering babies on altar sacrifices, murdering adults on altar sacrifices — this was all an abomination in the eyes of God and illegal in Old Testament and New Testament YouTube may censor this for the language and writings of the Old Testament – God’s punishment of Sodom & Gomorrah and the reasons thereof – also for my using the term “illegal” in reference to those entering the USA which the media calls migrants. This is how the indoctrination snow-balled, when these rogue churches are aiding the Demoncrats ideology and spewing the lies from the pulpit and financially supporting the Democrat party and offering voter registration. When lot went with God’s 2 Angels to Sodom to ask who will leave this abomination, they were met with welcoming men who wanted to let them into the city to know them in carnal relations, to use them. Lot stated to them, do not touch the men as they are angels or messengers sent from God, if you want to abuse someone and rape someone that they could rape Lot or his wife and/or 2 daughters. So they welcomed strangers and offered forced intercourse hospitality. The angels quickly helped Lot, his wife & 2 daughters to escape. YouTube may censor this as hate language.

  6. why doesn’t anyone talk about Clear ID. My driver’s license must be clear ID certified to enter a federal building. So that is racist????? BS!

    • The demo crats FRAUD, FAKE, LIARS. The father of Lies is satan. Satan’s plan is to usher in ONE WORLD GOV. USA is the only nation on the globe that gives voter rights to non-citizens. If the USA permits non-citizens to vote, they will push EVERY nation on the planet to permit non-citizens to vote to THEN SET UP THE ANTI-CHRIST under Satan the devil’s rule. This is a domino plan designed by the Demoncrats for global domination, beyond the USA. READ NEW TESTMENT REVELATION + THESSALONIANS also OLD TESTAMENT DANIEL.

  7. The Democrats have the names and addresses of all of these illegiles so that they can send them food vouchers, pay their rent and their cellphones. It is my understading that they plan to use this personal information, at the last minute, to stuff ballots and do mail ins for democrats, with this information. It is the only way that Harass can possibly win. Anybody with a brain realizes that if harass were prsident prices of everything would skyrocket and we would have a depression as bad, if not worse, than in 1929. All of this give away money that is sent to illegals is coming out of our tax payments. Which means our taxes will greatly increase with harass.

  8. The four members of the Arizona Supreme Court who voted to allow illegals to vote in our elections should be removed immediately. Maybe charge them with treason against the United States and it’s citizens.

  9. I am not impressed… This only applies to State Offices. For Federal Offices, by all means, let the thieving ILLEGALS, continue to vote for a President of the United States. They should not be allowed TO VOTE IN THE USA, PERIOD! Like we could steal across the border, to these 3rd World Countries, & vote in their corrupt Elections!!! Yeah, right.

  10. What a loser Trump turned out to be. There has never been a bigger joke than Trump for president. He’s turned into a senile old fool who can’t finish a sentence without lying, bragging or getting off topic, like all his nonsensense about Hannibal Lechter, snakes, sharks & boat batteries, whales and windmills, rigged elections, nuking hurricanes, wet rain, islands surrounded by water, toilet flow, etc. He’s an f’nn lunatic.

    • You have got the MSM speaking points down pat, i bet they have never shown a full Trump rally so you can actually make up your own mind. They like to tell you what to think. And you are parroting their talking points exactly! Have you ever investigated what You are saying to see if it is truth? Because I have.
      We are fighting for a free USA, not a Marxist/Communist USA! .
      Check out the book Kamala’s dad wrote! He is a Marxists economist! Her views corolate exactly with his. Even Bernie Sanders said she would say whatever she had to say, to get elected, but when she says her “views have not changed” she is telling all her Marxists buddies she is still with them. That is why they have to make everyone hate Trump, and let all these illegals in to vote, cheat in every way they can, that is the only way they can win! Sounds like Venezula, or Brazil?

      Then there is Tim Waltz, who was married on a Chinese Holiday, honeymooned in China, taught school in China, and has returned to China 30 times. Who let Minneapolis, and St.Paul burn, during the riots, egging it on, who’s wife had to leave the windows open so she could smell the burning rubber.
      His family has said do not let him become VP because of his beliefs and has since endorsed Trump. He has not spoken to them in 8 years!

      We know what Trump did as President, we had the lowest unemployment ever, our borders were secure, gas and food prices were the lowest, remember the under $1.89 gallon of gas, we were not sending our kids out to war to be killed, in fact Trump was making peace in the middle East! We were respected around the world and we were energy independant!
      How have the last few years worked for you? Kamala has been in office all this time, but says she is going to do so and so on day one? Her day one was 31/2 years ago. Because Joe surely was not in charge!
      Now we have open borders, between 16-18 million people including gangs, criminals, and terrorists have come into our country, and we get to support them! Highest inflation ever due to Kamala and Biden spending our tax payer $$. Highest unemployment, wars every where we turn, WW111 a very real possibility, no country respects us! Four more years of this and we will be in worse shape than China! Where they have no rights! And can’t afford anything! That is their goal!

      So you can keep on hating and parroting what they tell you, or you can actually investigate and make up your own mind!
      But be careful, people like Tulsy Gabbard, JFK Jr., and Elon Musk investigated and are now supporting Trump, and Elton John was on the news saying him and Trump have always gotten along, and he liked the name Trump gave to Kim Jong Un (Rocketman) and there are other Congress democrats that have switched to Republican because they see what is actually going on. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH

  11. Women aren’t necessarily voting FOR Harris. They are voting AGAINST Trump and Vance because they are derogatory towards women with their actions and words. Trump has 5 kids with 3 wives that he has cheated on, wants to take away women’s rights to their bodies, likes to grab pussies and bang porn stars, etc. Vance says women with cats or no children should not be allowed to vote. Can you blame women for voting against such turds?

  12. Anyone who votes for or against a candidate on any basis other than their “policies” should not be voting period. Voting on the basis of one’s skin color, dislike of one’s personality, is a recipe for disaster just like the current administration we have now which has brought us unprecedented ILLEGAL immigration with its attendant problems of gangs,drugs,lawlessness and drain on the treasury. This administration is responsible for unprecedented inflation, budget deficits the depth of which has never before been seen and the loss of prestige on the international stage.If you care to preserve your republican form of government versus being pushed into Socialist government(which is the current direction under the Democrats) you should become familiar with the policies of each candidate and ignore their personal deficiencies and vote for what is best for our country. Are you better off now than you were during the previous administration? Answer this question honestly and you’ll know for whom to vote despite the personality likes or dislikes.

  13. Both den is a pedophile, adulterer,and sexual molester. He showered with his daughter !!.
    Kamala is a prostitute!

    And the ” stupid ” democrat cult is just fine with that !!
    Hunter bangs prostitutes, gets them pregnant and ignores his illegitimate kids ! Biden ignores hunters kids and defends him . And ” stupid” democrat cult is fine !!

    The Democrats are communist from word go and

    • Biden is a pedophile !
      Democrat party is communist from word go and ” stupid ” democrat cult will vote for the!!
      John Kennedy is rolling in his grave at how corrupt and communist the Democrats have become

  14. Face it, the no ID to vote is only for voters fraud. How else can the democrats steal elections. They prove they can’t win them, so voters fraud works like it did in 2020. Yall see how that worked out. The country is pretty much f#cked as it stands. All the no ID to vote did was line the democrats pockets. How did they all make millons when their pay checks isn’t near that amount. They get richer on our expense, whilexwe the people suffer cause of their bad decisions. It’s not rocket science, just a matter of opening ones eyes to see the truth of all the corruption of the far left Communist democrat party.

  15. Why are the valid reasons for not voting in Az State Elections, not valid for Federal Elections. These idiot unamericans, that demand illegals to vote in our elections be it State, Federal… Should be banned from being Americans. When illegals are rounded up, take these unamerican idiots with them. They can teach the illegals, how to whine & mooch off their own 3rd world countries.

  16. What a loser Trump turned out to be. No wonder he was determined to be the worst president in history. At least the majority of Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd at the first opportunity they had. Thank you God!

    • The best part of you is communist red with yellow and ran down mommy and daddy’s legs. Too bad she didn’t get that abortion that all the Dems so badly need. We should have state funds for these things. I’d gladly pitch in to also purchase a frontal lobotomy in for them as well. But I’m glad you like gas at $5.00 a gallon and eggs at $12.00 a dozen.

  17. Speaking of stupid comments, will the GOP ever get Trump to STFU? There has never been a bigger joke than Trump for president. He’s turned into a senile old fool who can’t finish a sentence without lying, bragging or getting off topic, like all his nonsense about Hannibal Lechter, snakes, sharks & boat batteries, whales and windmills, rigged elections, nuking hurricanes, wet rain, islands surrounded by water, toilet flow, etc. He’s an f’nn lunatic who needs a padded cell.


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