Bill Maher HUMILIATES Nancy Pelosi after STUPID comment!



Mister 1920 SOAP- 15% using code AMAZING:
Are the preparing the JAIL TRUMP on Sept 18?
Why is NANCY PELOSI saying given illegals more money but not fighting for Americans?

I’m voting for a REAL president and leader that loves and cares about his country and people President Donald J TRUMP !!!! NOT Kameleon Harris. !!!


  1. Wouldn’t surprise me if they jail him but i have been hearing where the Supreme Court is blocking this Judge from sending him to prison

  2. I believe the wrongdoers, within the leadership of our country, are trying to present Trump in a good target profile for assassination; by positioning him thru arrest. And I do believe national unrest will result, from many facets within our great nation, in defense of Trump. I’m talking about our Police, our Military, the shadow groups of Patriots, our 20 million ex veterans and our Citizens at large. If Trump is arrested, I don’t think the lives of many of our elected officials will be worth spit! IMHO

    • If anyone deserves to go to jail its Biden. Hes done some of the same things Trump is being accused of. He wont be held accountable because hes a older well meaning gentleman, according to the dr who tested him to see if he could stand up to his crime, which was the same thing they accuse Trump of. Possession of White House documents. You know the ones in his garage and the ones strung out all over. Wherever he went he left a paper trail of them.

  3. They have tried everything else and failed. Their only chance of winning the election is jailing him. This will obviously lead to civil unrest and most likely civil war which will give China and Russia the green light to move forward towards third world war.

  4. What policy lies does Trump have this time? Remember his first campaign promises? Healthcare plan, balanced budget, Mexico wall money, infrastructure money, eliminate the deficit, eliminate ISIS, etc. All typical Trump bullshit. Trump was just a joke anyway. Now the lunatic has lost his mind. Time to flush the orange turd. What a useless POS he turned out to be. I can’t believe the Maga-morons swallow all the bullshit that Trump feeds them. Have they never heard of fact-check?

    • I can’t believe democrap cult Fall for all the lies and bullshit fed them !!
      What morons !!
      They are s joke and an embarrassment to patriotic Americans!! Their ignorance and utter stupidity is glaring! Course Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically Stupid…”

    • How many of the illegals have you taken in ?? Comrade Kamala has let over 10 million ILLEGALS to cross the border!! Surely being a good member of Kamala cult you have that in a couple of families!!
      Typical uneducated ignorant lying cult member !! Your communist masters call you a” useful idiot”

  5. What i am looking at how much Americans is homeless in the street of California and this is what they are not talking about how to fix the homeless in California these people payed tax all their lives and this the way yoiu people are treating them what a shame

  6. The illegal migrants need to be rounded up and sent back to their home countries. I think cackling Kamala is either drunk or high on drugs most of the time. Queen Nancy Pelosi needs to shut the f**k up and quietly disappear from public view. She’s a hypocrite and a liar. Dopey Joe will never be held accountable for the damage he did to our country, not in this life, anyway.

  7. Speaking of stupid comments, will the GOP ever get Trump to STFU? There has never been a bigger joke than Trump for president. He’s turned into a senile old fool who can’t finish a sentence without lying, bragging or getting off topic, like all his nonsense about Hannibal Lechter, snakes, sharks & boat batteries, whales and windmills, rigged elections, nuking hurricanes, wet rain, islands surrounded by water, toilet flow, etc. He’s an f’nn lunatic who needs a padded cell.


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