UPDATE: Colorado Mayor RESPONDS To Venezuelan Migrant Takeover!



Gun control? Democrats lost that debate when they gave the Taliban 200,000 machine guns and 2,000,000 in ammo.

Trump warned us this would happen 10 years ago


    Wake up folks, if you Vote for a demonRAT this will come to your city, Is this what you want ?, is this where you want your children to grow up ?, is this how YOU want to LIVE ??? .

  2. I hope these Blue States are happy with all the crime they have let come into our Country. Watch, they will tell people that it’s Trumps fault and we know it’s not! I’m sorry they terrorist are here and doing harm to our Citizens, but these Democrats have to learn a lesson and stop all of this before it’s to late.

  3. Where do the illegal migrants get their guns and rifles? Here in New York State, you have to jump through hoops to get a pistol permit and buy a gun. And the New York State government can rescind your pistol permit at any time, for any reason. It happened to me twice. These unconstitutional gun control laws only apply to legal New York State citizens and make us less safe. Apparently, the illegal migrants don’t need a permit for their guns.

  4. The thing is, the illegal migrants are untouchable. They commit a crime, if they’re arrested, they’re immediately released. They assault police officers, then they’re released. If the cops aren’t safe, what about the rest of us? Why aren’t these criminals being deported? They have no respect for America, no respect for our laws, and no respect for us.

  5. As a legal immigrant and a US naturalized citizen, I am shocked at the destruction these Dim-o-craps have done to this once great Republic. They are determined to destroy the greatest freedom-loving country history has known and converted it into a third -world Communist dump. They should rounded up and put under the jail. It’s disgusting.

  6. You dumb asses out there had better vote for the man that has been right about everything he says for the last 10 years now in Colorado is coming to your town if you vote the wrong way folks wake up up you foolish women that think Kamala is working for you wake up the woman is not good for you!!!!!

  7. Where are these guys taking over apartment complexes and neighborhoods getting the weapons they are carrying? Did they bring them with them when they crossed the border? The governor should send in the national guardsmen armed and ready to take them out if they resist and the ones that don’t resist, put them on a plane back to their country of orgin….

  8. Round up all the democratic leadership in the nation and let the aliens they allowed in our country, have their way with them.
    Start out with Bidendum and Dummala and please , for Minnesota’s sake, make sure they get rid of that scum Walz, as well.

  9. A quote from Mayor of Aurora “Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman said Thursday some apartment complexes have come under the control of gangs in what he called “a nightmare situation,” according to the Denver Gazette.

    The city “lost control” as gangs moved in “and we’re working aggressively to get it back,” he said.

    What does working aggressively mean? Have you called up the National Guard”? Is ICE and ATF and FBI there working aggressively. How many gang members have been arrested or killed? Or are they claiming squatters rights, and attorneys are being brought in to settle this.

    • Then reporters went to that apartment and talked to the tenants. They discovered it was all Trump bullshit for the Magats to swallow. Which they did. Trump has never been able to finish a sentence without lying or bragging. What a douche bag!

      • Remember that when they come to your place of residency!
        Have you ever noticed how angry the Democrat Party is?
        They have no policies or do anything good, but they sure know how to divide a country, and spend our tax payer dollars: sending our money to Ukrain (their money laundering system) building a wall there, leaving our military equipment in Afganistan, to build up the Isis again, and place blame on everyone else, especially Trump who has not been in power for over 31/2 years. And people are falling for it!
        If Kamala, and Tim get into power we will have a Marxist, Communist country. Checkout out the book Kamala’s dad ( who is a Marxist Economist) wrote, and check out what day Tim got married on, where he spent his honeymoon, his views on the CCP (loves their form of government) and how many times he has been to China!! Also, why his wife kept her windows open as he let Minneapolis, and the Twin Cities burn. Hint: because she loved the smell of burning rubber! Do some research on your candidates before you spread their lies!
        This is not a Dem. vs. Rep. Election. It is a free USA verses, living in a communist USA election! RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH!! And stop watching MSM!

  10. Yes, it’s too bad that Trump is a total fuck-up. The GOP and the Dems had an agreed upon border bill that even Border Control approved, but the orange turd nixed it because it wouldn’t help his campaign to solve the problem now. He always thinks more about himself than the country. What a loser he turned out to be.

    • You got that wrong. The reason he and others didn’t want to sign, is because the other crap they put in there. I think it was like two thousand pages. Pelosi and the other knuckleheads, then tell Republicans to hurry up and sign. If they do not. Then a Pelosi and others blame the Republicans. You blame Trump. So I am right. Some of these things in the bill are helping illegal immigration in other countries. Make Washington D.C. a one state. Etc. And, there is no justification for allowing millions of illegal immigrants into this country. None. No excuse for destroying our Energy Independence. None. There is more, but you get the point. I hope.

    • Too bad you are the real fuck-up !!
      Are you really that damn stupid ?? You post your bullshit everywhere whether it pertains to the subject of the article!! No one cares what a lib cult “fuck up” thinks !!

  11. Let’s talk about the biggest loser. Trump humiliates himself by always sticking his foot in his mouth. He’s an embarrassment to America. It’s too bad that Trump turned out to be such a dumb useless POS. I voted for him in 2016 thinking he was a smart businessman. Then found out he’s had 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses, and stiffs almost every contractor he’s worked with. I don’t care that he cheats on every wife, grabs pussies and bangs porn stars, but he proved in less than one term that he was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, history, technology and running the country. Voters flushed him after that, and again in his failed Red Tsunami, and he is even worse now with his crazy rants and insults. What an idiot.

  12. This is what the democrat party can do for you. They are being all they can without you in mind. Why the hell are you Coloradoans taking this bull shit??????????

  13. What? Speaking of stupid, will the GOP ever get Trump to STFU? There has never been a bigger joke than Trump for president. He’s turned into a senile old fool who can’t finish a sentence without lying, bragging or getting off topic, like all his nonsense about Hannibal Lechter, snakes, sharks & boat batteries, whales and windmills, rigged elections, nuking hurricanes, wet rain, islands surrounded by water, toilet flow, etc. He’s an f’nn lunatic who needs a padded cell. What an embarrassment to America!


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