This is WHY Donald Trump will win the 2024 ELECTION!!!!



The WORLD needs Trump immediately !!

This is good vs evil. Trump 2024.


    • Trump knows he is a loser. That’s why he is already babbling “rigged election.” Women aren’t necessarily voting FOR Harris. They are voting AGAINST Trump and Vance because they are derogatory towards women with their actions and words. Trump has 5 kids with 3 wives that he has cheated on, wants to take away women’s rights to their bodies, likes to grab pussies and bang porn stars, etc. Vance says women with cats or no children should not be allowed to vote. Can you blame women for voting against such turds like them? You would think they’ve been reading “How to Lose an Election.” But we know Trump can’t read. He has enough trouble making a complete sentence. What a buffoon he turned out to be.

      • I disagree your sayings about Donald Trump. Doesn’t any other men do the same as what you’re accusing Trump. One thing I know and the most people knows that Trump can do the job than Biden ever did. There were 2 Presidents since 2020. One is behind the curtain doing the Biden’s work and one is Biden who is mentally incapable of doing his job. Same with Kamala that this man will be controlling her and doing the President’s work for her behind the curtain, which this have been the ultimate betrayal to the American people.

      • It’s very hard for me to believe that there are as many fools and idiots that you make a claim on. I think you are one of those idiots who does not understand how politics work. It’s a nasty business. No one can be trusted. It’s pretty bad when anyone votes for someone solely on their personality, color or gender. It takes nothing but a pen to do a really dumb thing. There’s more here at stake than you can ever imagine. Communism is what we need to battle, not each other. What you think about Trump is propaganda that has been pushed on the country by those that do not want to lose the power and money they have been enjoying for the last term. Whatever his prior personal deals were are none of anyone’s business but his as that would not have anything to do with his ability to lead this country. If you can’t see that the importance of great leadership is what a person says and does to benefit the country. No one but the one involved can blame another for their own neglect and stupidity. The reading is on the wall. Trump has no reason but love of country to want to win this election. While Ms.Harris, raised by a Marxist parent, also interested in power but needs attention and royal treatment so she can be “queen of the May.” If you listen to what she says, you hear nothing. If anything she speaks of as done or needs to be done, why then is she not doing it? She has the power now to lead, but all she is doing is getting a free ride on the US Presidential Plane, Helicopter, Limo, and vacations all over the place. Wow, what a life and she does nothing to earn it. SO, please be careful what you ask for or vote for. Trump is the only one that can get this country back on the right track.

  1. If Trump doesn’t win America will collapse.Harris could be trying to fix the mistakes she and Biden has made the last four years. United States is only going to get worse. Whether you like Trump or not, he is our only hope. Harris has no credibility or morals and neither does Waltz. If they win, whether , honestly are not the United States will deserve what they get under her anti Christ presidency.

  2. We STILL have to stop the Democrats from STEALING this Election, like they did in 2020. They won’t be able to sweep stuff ‘under the rug’ like they did in 2020, and like they did with the Houses cases against Myorkas. The Senate didn’t even hear said case! We can’t let that happen again!


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