Kamala Harris WHIPS OUT FAKE Black Accent At Labor Day Rally As Joe Biden DETERIORATES On Stage!



She’s mocking the African American community at this point

Say you’re an Indian woman doing blackface without saying you’re an Indian woman doing blackface.


  1. It is truly amazing to me that two folks from completely different backgrounds can be draw together and LIE in sync like Harris and Walz do so well.

  2. Charles, you forgot to mention dopey Joe. Dopey Joe is a pathological liar. Every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Obummer is a smooth, polished, professional liar. He must have majored in Lying when he was in college. But dopey Joe is just a damn liar. I don’t think cackling Kammy chose Walz as her VP. I think the DNC made the choice for her. She’s too stupid to do it on her own.

  3. How hopeless is Trump? Trump humiliates himself by always sticking his foot in his mouth. He’s an embarrassment to America. It’s too bad that Trump turned out to be such a dumb useless POS. I voted for him in 2016 thinking he was a smart businessman. Then found out he’s had 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses, and stiffs almost every contractor he’s worked with. I don’t care that he cheats on every wife, grabs pussies and bangs porn stars, but he proved in less than one term that he was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, history, technology and running the country. Voters flushed him after that, and again in his failed Red Tsunami, and he is even worse now with his crazy rants and insults. What a joke he turned out to be.

      • You’re joking, right. Trump was voted the worst president in history by presidential scholars. It won’t take much to flush the orange turd AGAIN. (Sometimes you need to flush twice, or 3 times if you count his failed Red Tsunami.) What policy lies does Trump have this time? Remember his first campaign promises? Healthcare plan, balanced budget, Mexico wall money, infrastructure money, eliminate the deficit, eliminate ISIS, etc. All typical Trump bullshit. Trump was just a joke anyway. Now the lunatic has lost his mind. Time to dump the Trumpster in the dumpster. What a useless POS he turned out to be. Look how many Republicans are voting against the senile incompetent orange turd..

  4. I love how those who are the most vocal about DT/KH are those who run on emotions and feelings and have not a single frickin’ idea about the facts and the policies of each…… Dig in and take a look at the internal rot that has plagued us over the last 4 years and put blame on the “machine” that pulls the strings on the Senile turd and the Word Salad Tw-t…. Look at the policies that kept us out of war, the border secured, the homes affordable, and the streets safe, and FENTANYL deaths down… Who was in office??? FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Promises?? Oh get real.. Loan forgiveness, Reparations for blcks? They bought YOU… you morons…….. and you took it, hook, line and sinker

    • So true . These people are so stupid that if Kamala told them the other earth was flat and the sky was yellow they would believe it !!
      The democrat cult needs to be told how to think, what to say and when to go to the bathroom!!
      These are same idiots that want open borders and then scream when the illegals come to their city!! Absolutely NO intelligence

  5. What a frickin LIAR ,!! You saying Trump was voted president is an out and out LIE and you know it !!
    It is so easy to tell when you uneducated ignorant lib cult creatures lie because it is constant!!

      • Yes, Trump was the worst by far. What policy lies does Trump have this time? Remember his first campaign promises? Healthcare plan, balanced budget, Mexico wall money, infrastructure money, eliminate the deficit, eliminate ISIS, etc. All typical Trump bullshit. He accomplished nothing. Trump was just a joke anyway. Now the lunatic has lost his mind.

  6. You are so right about Trump. Here’s an idiot who peddles Chinese trinkets, awful gold shoes, trading cards with a cartoon of him on them, “special” bibles, and anything else the suckers will buy from this so-called millionaire. He probably owes more than he is worth. Other countries look at this embarrassment and say WTF is wrong with Americans?


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