Kamala in FREEFALL as Another Dem ENDORSES TRUMP!!!



I’m a Filipino American and I’m finally a registered Republican and voting for Trump percent

ALL of my Dem friends are voting Trump, and we need to embrace and welcome them to the MAGA movement. The Dems are just as sick of the inflation, crime, and embarrassing foreign policy as we are.


  1. With Kamel-la’s 25,000 and California giving a 150,000 of taxpayer’s money to the illegal invaders it is just like giving them houses for breaking the law! So why wouldn’t the world break our laws, the authorities steal from the citizens to give to the criminals!

  2. Hannity needs to ask questions, then keep quiet. I stopped watching him, years ago, because he can’t shut up and let his guests talk. Every time a Kacklea/Tampon Tim commercial starts to run, I immediately mute it and change channels. I can’t stand her lies and nauseating voice.
    I went to the county fair here in East Tennessee. Walked past the Kacklea/Tampon Tim booth. Those were the loneliest four people at the place.🤣 I bought some food and watched that booth. I saw one person talk to them in 30 minutes. He was telling them how foolish they were, to back those two clowns.

  3. Never Trump? No matter what else you get? I don’t like the way that guy looks or talks and I hate his personality. And I don’t care that he has business experience and management experience. I’m going to vote for someone who has none of these things because she smiles and I just like her better. I really like her now because I heard today, in 2019 she wanted to fund gender change operations for illegal aliens with my money. Wake up people, this isn’t a beauty contest!

    • Bill,
      You do realize she is a Marxist, so if you want to live in a Marxist/Communist country, I am sure Marxist Kamala, and Communist Tim will oblige you and smile the whole time they finish turning the USA into Venezulia!!
      Here is a little background: Kamala’s dad is a Marxist Economist! He has written a book about Marxism, so she has been indoctrinated her whole life! She wants to take your guns, and let millions more immigrants into our country useing your tax $$$$’s to support them, she does not want to close the border, she had the last 31/2 years to do that! She wants government run health care for all, ask Canada how they like waiting months to get in to see a Doctor!!
      According to Judge Joe Brown she is not black, he has met her dad, and says he is Indian and Irish! Bernie Sanders says that she will say whatever it takes to get elected, but she is still left of him! She lies about everything!! It took her handlers 5 days to prep her for the debate, what happens when she has to meet with world leaders, and does not have 5 days to prepare?! She says her values have not changed, (still a marxisr at heart) code to her Marxist buddies that she really has not changed!
      And Tim, well he got married on a Chinese holiday, he honeymooned in China, he taught school in China, and he has been there 30 times. I heard him talking about how he likes the way their government is run! His family said do not let him get to be VP, because of his beliefs. His entire family Is endorsing Trump because of his beliefs. He let Minneapolis and St. Paul burn during the riots egging it on, as Kamala sent money to bail our the criminals getting them back on the street!
      It is like the frog in a pot of water, you don’t know you are being cooked until it is to late! But at least they smoile and have fun as they destroying our country!
      This is where you and your family want to live?

  4. As usual Trump avoids the actual questions, can’t stay focused and starts to babble the same old crap. No new plans. He wouldn’t even answer if he wanted Ukraine to lose the war. He wants to keep kissing Putin’s ass. He remains a joke on America.

    • Hey Eric,
      We’re you better off 4 years ago when gas prices were below $2.00, when food was affordable and you had money left over to do other things? When the borders were secure, and we did not have millions of illegals, including gangs, criminals, and terrorists coming into our country, when we had no wars to get out kids killed, when no new wars were created because the U.S was respected around the world, and Trump knew how to negotioate and deal with leaders BEFORE a war started! In fact he created peace in the Middle East, (the Abraham Accord). Have you ever heard about that? Probably not, Trumps accomplishments don’t fit the lefts narrative of making him the big bad boogie man to the people who fall for it!! No one can be as horrible as they make Trump out to be!! He must be a huge threat to their plans of make the U.S. another Venezuela? MSM doesn’t even tell the news anymore, their news is Trump this, and Trump that! Be mad at the boogie man Trump!

      Trump made his own money, he has made billions of dollars because he knows business and how to negotiate! Part of being a good negotiator is knowing your opponent, how else do you know your opponents if you do not meet with them, talk to them and a lot of times “you get better results with sugar, than with vinegar” The United States is a business, so who do you want in charge? Someone who is a businesman , who has a history of making good decisions, and knows how to negotiate, knows how to make money for our country, who has a history of making our lives better and sticking up for the American people, or a prosecutor who knows how to bable what she has learned in 5 days, who put people who smoked pot in jail, while laughing about it when asked if she ever smoked pot, who put up bail to get criminals out of jail so they could continue rioting, who has a Marxists father, and chosen a communist V.P., who puts illegals before the American people, and lies about what she believes in to get what she wants!
      And by the way Trump was right, Putin endorsed Kamala, I heard him do it! He must think she is going to be a bigger push over than Biden has been! Can you even imagine her negotiating with Putin?! What a joke! Wonder how many days prep she will need for that?

      You know if you would stop listening to the MSM propaganda machine that tells you what to think, and do some of your own research! You would not be so critical, and start thinking for yourself!
      Let’s see who was it that got $3.5 million from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow (Russia) ? Oh it was Hunter, Biden, and who was it that got paid $1 million per year and was on the board of the Ukranian company called Burisma? Oh yea, Hunter Biden again, and you claim President Trump was kissing Putin’s…..! Get your facts straight, look it up, Hunter also got money from China and Romaina! All this while Biden was V.P., and President! Does that sound at all suspicious to you, or since it was not Trump that did it, is it a-ok with you?
      Again the propaganda machine keeps you looking at Trump instead if the real criminals. Wake up Eric!

      Also, here is the rest of Trumps statement about being a dictator! “I will be a Dictator on day one, and tell them to close the borders and Drill baby Drill!!” That was his being a dictator statement! They always forget to tell the entire sentence, because it does not fit their narrative!! ! He said drill baby drill so we can once again become energy independent like we were when he was President!
      She lies so much, even after Trump, during the debate, told her and everybody else that He does not know anything about project to 2025, he never read it and does NOT endorse it, and that is not the first time he has said that, she lied again and said he was for it!! But they only fact check Trump, never Kamala!

      Biden and Harris caused the Ukrain /Russian war, not Trump, but they will try to blame it on Trump! And Trump did answer the question about Ukrain, he said the war has to stop because to many innocent people are being killed, and he would get it stopped by getting Zilensky and Putin together and negotionating What did Kamala say she did? Something about giving weapons and support to Zilensky before the war even began!! How is that supposed to stop a war, sounds like that would start a war! Of course they have to support Ukrain, the more money they give Ukrain, the more money they will eventually line their pockets with! They are politicians , politicians don’t make the kind of money that allows them to buy 2 houses in the Hamptons like Biden has! When they tax the rich do you think they will tax themselves??

  5. Your adding is a little off. I will do anything to stop my tax money going to fund illegal aliens buy their first home or pay for transgender sex changes for prisoners and immigrants.
    She has all these things she wants to fix. What has she fixed in the last 4 years. Not boarder control

    • You’re right about Trump’s business experience. So far 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies. Even casinos!! LoL. How could anyone be that clueless and incompetent? No wonder he added 8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt after promising to balance the budget. Poor demented senile fool.

      • How many trillions has Biden added ?? I’ve asked you before and you disappeared!! That is typical of an uneducated ignorant lib !! When faced with facts they crap their pants and run !!

    • Boarder control? You still don’t know the difference between a boarder and a border? Why are the MAGAts always so stupid? (because Trump needs them to stay thay way so they’ll support the loser.)

      • Sam, how many ILLEGALS have you taken in!! How many are you providing medical services for! How many ILLEGALS are you feeding !!
        You like that the illegals are getting more benefits from Biden and Kamala than Americans who fought for your freedom and the right for you to speak your lib BS ?
        Has a gang of illegals taken over your home or apartments nearby??
        You libs support allowing illegals to cross border but when they show up in YOUR neighbor hood you scream and carry on and work to ship them elsewhere !! Typical of an ignorant Hypocrite!!

  6. Socialism, Communism, and Marxism. I do not want the government controlling everything. Especially Harris and Walz. Harris and Biden destroyed the border. People are sick of the illegals urinating on their lawn, tossing garbage, stealing their livestock, stealing things left out in their yard. Squatting in their city. Getting taxpayer money, they did not earn. Killing and attacking civilians and Police. Harris bailed BLM, Antifa, and other criminals out of jail. Record drugs, every major city has more crime than when Trump was President. All the left does is blame Trump for everything bad the left does. When Trump left office, inflation was less than 2%. Now. Ouch. People have less savings, cannot take a vacation, public schools pushing CRT, DEI, and Woke, and transgenderism. There are two genders. Allowing kids to change genders is no good. Many of them regret it. Allowing porn in school libraries is also wrong. Teach the basics. Math, reading, writing, Social Studies, Biology, Geology, History, Cooking, Mechanics, Wood Shop, Metal Shop, Automotive, Drafting. All classes that were available in my school. These are basic things to allow people to be independent. Thinkers. Strong minded. To much of the race, gender, pronoun crap. Learn team building. Not to early for Leadership Classes. How to fix things. There would be less time to listen to the Mainstream Media. Day in and Day out, attack Trump, or anyone that supports him. Not all of his policies may work. But, the last four years under Biden/Harris have been disastrous. Less government. Better. Big government. No good. Do not want their noses in everyone’s business. Arresting people that stand up to radical policies. Pray. Pledge of Allegiance, Star Spangled Banner, and learn the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It’s called Patriotism. Not the White Supremacy and Colonialism these people claim. Should not have to watch your back, because you spit on the sidewalk. Said the wrong pronoun, adjective, verb. Yet criminals are looting and burning businesses. Wake-up. The question is. What are you doing to make the world better? I have been trying to help at least one person a day for the past forty plus years. Others do more. That’s ok. The Communists hate self sufficient people. They want everyone like sheep. They can control. Look at Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Canada, and others. Societies destroyed and freedoms gone. May not like Trump. But the Democrats hate freedoms, and self thinkers. Pray in Jesus Name. Repent and be Baptized then God gives the Holy Spirit for understanding. Not all Religions are right. All think they are. Stop filling the jails. Do good. Not evil. The First News and NewsMax are the fact checkers. IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters break he story down. Mainstream Media leaves out stuff. Not reliable. Research stuff. A must.

  7. And you KNOW the border is not secure thanks to Kamala! And you dwell on misspelled word !!
    Pull your head out and see how Biden/ Kamala are destroying America !!
    Why are democrats cult so stupid ?
    Because Kamala needs stupid to vote for her !!
    ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary

  8. Good thing Trump loves stupid people! Who else would believe a raving lunatic suffering from dementia? At least true Americans flushed the orange turd before he could do any more damage. And again at his failed Red Tsunami. Those are facts you can’t deny.

  9. It’s great to see that since we flushed the orange turd we now have the strongest economy in the world, the highest oil production in the world, a stock market that has doubled since we told Trump to take a hike, and higher wages and the lowest unemployment rate. For those babbling about high prices, you really thought that presidents tell companies what they can charge for their products?

  10. Wow we are playing right into the hands of those trying to seperate, and destroy this country! This is no longer an election of Democrat vs Republican! This is an election of weather you want to live in a Free country or a Marxist/Communist country!

    How to make a Free America into a Communist America? 😮
    Step 1: take over the media, and government. (CHECK)
    Step 2: pit the people against each other, make them angry, separate families , spread hate! (CHECK)🤐

    Hillary Clinton, “Trump followers are a basket of deplorables”,

    Maxine Waters, let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from the Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station you get out and create a crowd. And you push back on them . And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!

    Biden, Harris: “Trump is going to be a Dictator,” “Trump and his MAGA party pose a grave threat to our democracy!” (Because we stand for our GOD given rights, which is what America was founded on and is our constitutional right to have a different opinion) unless of course our country is being taken over by communists who believe you can have no opinion but theirs.

    Biden: just a few days before Trump was shot said “time to put Trump in a bullseye”
    And Trump was shot! 🤔

    Step 3: create and continuously cause confusion and fear in the country: (CHECK)😣
    Biden, his first day in office, with one stroke of his pen, closed the key stone pipeline putting hundreds of peole out of work!
    Opening our borders, inviting criminals, terrorists and millions of unvetted people into our country, whom we now have to support, feed, cloth, house, and educate with tax payer money! Some who came in with Biden/Harris t-shirts on,
    Women and kids that have been raped, trafficked, or killed trying to get here! Now we have criminals preying on American citizens, terrorists who hate America and Americans, from countries who want to destroy us! And Kamala wants to make them legal Americans!

    Guess this is why RFK Jr., Elon Musk, Tulsy Gabbart and several other senators and congressmen and women have decided to switch parties, and join Trump, and the Republicans in an effort to unite and save this country!
    Guess they are starting to understand the real threat to this country!
    The loss of our freedoms!

  11. Please don’t forget what the majority of Americans think of Trump. They flushed the orange turd at the first chance they had, because he turned out to be a lying, corrupt, traitorous, slimy, POS wannabe dictator with zero ability to run the country. They sure didn’t dump him because he did a decent job. Wake up fools!

  12. No, we won’t forget what the majority of Americans think of Trump. They flushed the orange turd at the first chance they had, because he turned out to be a lying, corrupt, traitorous, slimy, POS wannabe dictator with zero ability to run the country. They sure didn’t dump him because he did a decent job. Wake up fools!

  13. Voters flushed the orange turd at the first chance they had, because he turned out to be a lying, corrupt, traitorous, slimy, POS wannabe dictator with zero ability to run the country. They sure didn’t dump him because he did a decent job. Wake up fools!


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