The ONLY way Trump can BEAT Kamala in a LANDSLIDE



I hope President Trump asks Harris about the missing trafficked children.

VOTE! VOTE for freedom. VOTE for sovereignty. VOTE for your country.


  1. yes ask her about the sex trafficking of women and children . Ask her about all the money going to illegals. ask her why they are getting driver licenses ect

  2. I live in San Francisco and hopefully the people of California have awakened with their AHA moment, are tired of being played for fools and treated like wallking ATM’s and finally have had it with the liberals and their destructive BULLS**T that’s driving the quality of life here into the toilet making this one time golden state more and more unlivable untenable and unaffordable. Trump might have been able to do some good for America if he had the chance while in office but the liberals acted like crybabies on the schoolyard throwing temper tantrums right and left, obstructing him and the Republicans every inch of the way instead of working across the aisle and in the end nothing got done for America and the American people, the demographic these worthless liberal dolts took oaths to serve. The things that could have been done for America can’t be quantified and will never be known, sad to say. On the other hand, we know all about harris and the liberals so the choice is rather simple. Does America want to look like California (the laughing stock and disgrace of America, and I live here and this is true, sad to say) or does America want to go in a different direction? A rhetorical question at best. The choice is rather simple and straight forward.

    • I totally agree. I’m an ex-native born Californian. I left in 1994 because of the cost of living. It’s way worse now and it’s shameful. The Democrats have ruined it but there’s still time to turn it around. First, get rid of one of the biggest problems, Pelosi’s nephew, Newsom. Then get rid of all the other Dems. Go through the voter rolls and throw out all of the illegal alien voters, other non-citizen voters, deceased voters, non-resident voters, felons and prisoner voters, duplicate voters, non-existent voters, pet voters, children voters, etc. Did I leave anything out? Unfortunately that won’t happen anytime soon as long as the corrupt Dems keep getting voted back in. It’s a criminal vicious circle.

      • Pelosi is CATHOLIC.. Newsom is CATHOLIC. Have you ever heard of a successful CATHOLIC anything? Italy, Spain, Haiti, Venezuela, California, New York????

    • That is EXACTLY why he couldn’t do what he really wanted to do. Yes, the DERANGED DEMOCRAPS love to CROW about what he didn’t do. That is because they (1) either tried to load the bills which were supposed to help people with bullshit pet projects, or (2) flatly refused to work with him on things!

    • That’s not totally fair. There are many Republicans that are Catholic. I was baptized Catholic but I’m no longer a participant, even though I’m still a Christian. Many of my friends are Catholic and are Republican. That’s just my small circle in the universe. Don’t categorize all Catholics in the same bucket.

      • A third of all elected are now CATHOLIC. Almost exactly half call themselves R, half D. NO CATHOLIC is an American. They are CATHOLICS and are all traitors.

    • Al. your statement is extremely ridiculous ,!! How about saying all Baptist are Nazi! Lutheran is MARXIST,
      See how ignorant your comment is ??
      Your comment does expose one major thing about you . YOU are not a Christian ,!!
      Ever heard ” judge not lest ye be judged”
      How about Jesus words ” let he who is without sin cast first stone “”
      I pity you !! Your hatred is confusing you

    • Trump is the danger to our democracy. He praises Putin, quotes Hitler, and brags about the love from Kim Yung Un. He dreams of being America’s dictator.

  3. Yes, it’s unfortunate that Trump turned out to be a lying incompetent POS. Any decent candidate could have beaten Biden, but Trump proved clueless at playing president. At least American voters were smart enough to quickly flush the orange turd. The Republicans are seeing this and many are refusing to endorse him. Even his own VP Pence.

  4. He didn’t get bribed by China, Ukraine, Iran. Biden and son. Did. Hillary pushed and paid for people to push the Russian crap. Biden destroyed Alaskan pipeline jobs, and helps Russian pipelines. Takes our reserve oil and gives it away. Biden, Harris, Walz, Pelosi, Schumer, The Squad, Walters, Newsome, Garland, Wray, are all a disaster. They hate America. They say, the American people, like they are talking as if everyone agrees about their disastrous Socialist, Marxist, Communist, Policies. Harris’s Father is a Marxist. Walz allowed the destruction of Minneapolis, burning businesses, looting, cars burning, attacking Police and civilians. Women’s products in men’s bathrooms, men claiming to be women, in women’s shower and locker rooms. Defunding the Police. Floyd was a criminal. Did he deserve to die. Of course not. The coroner said a weak heart and drugs killed him. The hold was in Police Manual. And, someone pulled the page out of that manual. Put it back later. Weird. Under Biden/Harris free speech was banned.The FBI pushed the Hunter Laptop as disinformation. Threatened the computer repairman. Hid from the media until after election. And, Hillary destroyed hard drives, laptop, phone records. Used her personal computer to hide information. January 6 Committee lied about what happened. People were let in. A violent BLM person was seen telling people to go in. Ray Epps, the same. Ashley Babbitt killed. Capitol Police Officer never charged, or arrested. In fact hidden in a hotel for weeks. He was black. She was white. Unarmed. What about racism! Some of the tapes were hidden. Or destroyed. Called classified. No. Shows the narrative was a lie. Woman praying gets arrested. Some of these people are arrested for being there. Not all were Trump Supporters. Easily put on a Trump hat and claim that. Then cause trouble. Did crazy stuff before. Other peaceful protests were twice as bad. Harris bailed them out. Why continually is Trump verbally attacked. Threat to their Socialist, Marxist, Communist views. Biden did say America last. All the charges have been proven false. Why are the judges financially supporting Biden and Democrats. Conflict of Interest. Jury selected was given wrong rules. Only had to agree on one count, not unanimously. What. Violence and crime is up. The real polls show that. Mainstream Media have been proven to have no honesty. The First News, NewsMax, IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters. All fact checked. Bill O’Reilly, Jesse Kelly on The First News. Greg Kelly, Rob Schmitt, Sebastian Gorka, Greta Van Susteren. The border has been visited and talked to immigrants. Biden and Harris. Zero. I see a pattern of ignorance. Not Trump. Trump went to the remembrance of soldiers lost in Afghanistan. Families invited him. Train wreck. Trump went. Support with food, water, and care. Harris/ Biden. Zero. Afghanistan withdrawal. Wrong. Left millions of dollars of equipment, paid the Taliban. Never spoke to soldiers families that died. Trump did. Classified documents. The stupid Mar Lago crap. Biden has classified documents in unsecured locations everywhere. Proven. Never answers basic questions. Some Republicans and most Democrats hate America. Just a paycheck.

  5. It’s great to see that since we flushed the orange turd we now have the strongest economy in the world, the highest oil production in the world, a stock market that has doubled since we told Trump to take a hike, and higher wages and the lowest unemployment rate. For those babbling about high prices, you really thought that presidents tell companies what they can charge for their products?

  6. Great Mr. Imposter..perfect..! Anyone that doesn’t agree with what you said is an idiot or a communist plant to make stupid comments and Mr. Juan you need glasses or a brain transplant or change what you eat and definitely do something get out more’s funny every one who is against Trump can’t list one single thing he did to them other then some stupid insults but I can list about a dozen things these commie pukes have done to me and my groceries or fuel at home or in my car and to the guy who said presidents have no control over prices..your comment shows what you need to read more research before you open your mouth..I bet you think inflation comes from fairy dust don’t you. Ha ha ha..just my opinion..if you can speak your mind so can I

  7. Jackie is another uneducated ignorant lib that believes all the communist bullshit fed her !
    Putin Jones st ENDORSED Kamala you idiot !!
    Libs can’t stand FACT that Trump had balls to actually talk to foreign leaders whether they agreed or not !! The bullshit about love letters to Kim jung un has been debunked over and over ,! You are as stupid as Kamala bringing that up !!
    As far as dictator pull your head out your ass and look at Biden regime !! He ignores Supreme Court rulings, he allows over 19 MILLION ILLEGALS to cross the border which is against law ! He has weaponized FBI AND DOJ ! HE calls anyone who disagree with him s terrorists! He is first president to threaten Americans with military action by American military !!
    Uneducated ignorant libs are so stupid they can’t see FACTS .
    And you are ok with Kamala who is command tim who is avowed communist with strong ties to CCP!!

  8. I see how hilarious it is on this site where all you can do is call the anti-Trumpers names when they present you with actual FACTS. The braindead MAGAts here are incredibly childish with their comments and can’t refute the truth. This election will just be another defeat for Trump, as usual.

    • By “as usual” I meant Hillary got more votes, Biden beat him badly, and Trump failed again at his Red Tsunami. Fourth flush of the orange turd coming up!

    • Libs NEVER present facts !! Facts are poison to the lib cult !!
      And another uneducated ignorant lib has to use name calling because he has NO FACTS OR INTELLIGENCE TO DEBATE! All the lib cult is kindergarten insults !!

  9. Showing how uneducated you are !! The electoral college votes to elect president !! And Hillary NEVER got 3 million more votes after all the illegal votes were discovered and tossed in California and Pennsylvania and NY !! Again you have a brain cells tell me how Biden defeated Trump !! In 2020 there were approximately 135 million registered voters in America !? BOTH PARTIES AND MEDIA AGREED that Trump got 75 million votes! So do the math you uneducated lib ! How did Biden get 81 million votes??
    You won’t answer because I’ve presented FACTS and they go against the communist Democrat bullshit that you swallow. !

  10. Let’s not forget what the majority of Americans think of Trump. They flushed the orange turd at the first chance they had, because he turned out to be a lying, corrupt, traitorous, slimy, POS wannabe dictator with zero ability to run the country. They sure didn’t dump him because he did a decent job. Wake up fools!


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