Watch Kamala Harris Impersonator Estee Palti on How She Makes Fun of the Dem Nominee’s Absurdity



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If Kamala won’t debate Trump, he should hire this woman to stand in for Kamala and do a mock debate.


  1. WOW the STUPID!! KAMALA “Impersonater” is So FULL of the REAL TRUMPastic SHIT 💩 that She Should Be Flushed Down TRUMP’s TOILET 💩🤮👍💯%

    • You sure have a limited fixation/vocabulary on toilet, shit, turd, etc. Maybe that’s because you’re full of it! BTW, it’s impersonator, not impersonater. If you’re going to use your idiotic rhetoric, at least spell it correctly.

    • President Trump will win NOV 2024. Lord Jesus Christ our God will help President Trump to win and he will thwart the liars .Kamel Harris/Tampon Walz and all other evil Demoncrats from winning any election moving forward. According to my Christian faith – I quote the Old & New Testament The father of lies is satan the devil from hell. who wishes to harm in all ways, God’s Christian people. Lord Jesus Christ protect President Trump and his family from HARM in all ways and me and my loved ones and all Christian people from the Harm of liberal left anti-Christian values demoncrat leaders who wish to destroy Democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and who refuse to protect us from criminals i.e. illegals causing crime and harm to American citizens. We pray Oh Lord Jesus Christ that you take vengeance on all the lying leaders . and those who wish to hurt and/or harm Christians in any form on the Last Day your judgment day, since we as Christians on this earth are precluded from passing the penalties or taking vengeance as we cannot cause any harm.

      • I’m sure God supports a POS who has had 3 wives, cheats on every one of them, bangs porn stars, pays hush money, is a felon convicted of sexual assault, and tells his sheep he is a good Christian. Such good moral character! Oh wait, God did make sure the orange turd got flushed after one term. Praise the Lord!

        • Marcie, and YOU are not a Christian so I wouldn’t talk !Mm at
          Yo can say praise the Lord, but your PROVES you have NEVER read the Bible ! Look at life of King David !!
          A true Christian cannot support the Democrat party !! The Democrats are satanic !
          Democrat support abortion. Infanticide, child mutilation, transgender, LGBT, drag queens in school, porn in school libraries. Just to name a few !!

          If you support this YOU ARE NOT CHRISTIAN no matter how many times you say praise the Lord!!
          You are LYING to God and yourself and that is a place I never want to be !! A Christian cannot support satanic beliefs !

  2. People who lean left focused their attention on Donald Trump. People who lean right focused on Kamala Harris. I watched both. Kamala didn’t respond to the questions. She was very creative when cornered. She made statements that were untrue about Trump’s policy and history. And the thing that really burned me was that she continued with her adolescent eye-rolling and mocked Trump with her face-pulling and laughing. Trump, on the other hand, kept a dignified manner and attempted to stay on track. Imagine Kamala in a high level summit meeting with world leaders. They wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face and would lack all respect for the USA by Kamala’s representation.

    • I couldn’t agree with you more. She was so full of it. As you saw the debate, Kamala had so much confident of what she was saying because the ABC News Center and the Moderators in her favor, and they all were just keep bashing at Trump. Kamala truly is the dangerous person for America.

      • Manny , you are the buffoon! Trump has laid out policies! What are Kamalas policies ( other than STEALING Trump policies)?
        Again you are the poor senile buffoon!! And an extremely uneducated and ignorant one at that !!
        The lib cult has absolutely NO intelligence

  3. Let’s not forget what the majority of Americans think of Trump. They flushed the orange turd at the first chance they had, because he turned out to be a lying, corrupt, traitorous, slimy, POS wannabe dictator with zero ability to run the country. They sure didn’t dump him because he did a decent job. Wake up fools!

  4. Jag and Jackie, you are imbeciles. The majority of Americans didn’t flush Trump. The election was rigged so dopey Joe would win. They did it with fraudulent mail-in ballots. Rascal, yes, cackling Kammy did her eye-rolling, childish face-pulling and moronic laughter. She must have practiced these faces in the bathroom mirror for hours. She did it because she’s vacuous and has nothing new to offer, except more of dopey Joe’s brain-dead policies.

    • Jan Amy/Vet, I love your rebuttal. PRES TRUMP WILL WIN NOV 2024 GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER. WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD: BIDEN. WORST VP IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD: Kamel-face CHLAMYDIA Harry-is. She failed her first law bar exam and on the second try she had someone else take it for her – she cheated. She got the jobs because she was on her knees with Mayor Willard of San Franscisco while he was still married and he was 60 and she was 29. She was born hermaphrodite/intersex and had surgery so she presents as female but is ashamed to state it publicly. Her mother was born in East India and states on her birth certificate caucasian. Her father was born in Jamaica to an FATHER who state Caucasian on his birth certificate and a Mother who state East Indian — that’s why Hinduism is predominant on Harris’ mother’s side but her father is nominally Christian Catholic but because her parents divorced as she was raised by her mother is why she espouses Hinduism more . Her father was a communist any way and therefore at heart an atheist but perhaps practicing Christian when her father was younger. She has NO BLACK BLOOD at all, NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN – not AFRICAN, NOT BLACK AMERICAN – SHE IS A FRAUD AND LIAR AND SHE WILL LIE FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE TO GAIN POWER.

    • How can you be that brainwashed?? There were 62 investigations (including Trump’s) that couldn’t find ANY evidence of anything that would have changed the results of the election. Corrupt Trump did try by asking for 11,700 fake votes in Georgia. Fortunately the POS traitor failed as he did when he tried to get Pence to not certify the election. Traitor Trump belongs in Guantanamo or worse. Most countries have the death sentence for TREASON!!

  5. Do you notice that everyone a lib cult member talks they all use same language ?? They are so fixated on words ” toilet” , ” orange” ,”turd” , POS , . This is very common among a cult !! All cult members are TOLD what to say and they are tightly controlled !! When you read Jag and Jackie it is easy to see that they follow what they are told !! Told what they can say , etc .
    They can’t think on their own !

    The posts are so alike in the language I’m wondering if JAG is a drag queen! Or at l ast they are one and same

    • They may have the microchip implant that controls their brains. The DEMONCRATS wish to place microchip 666 for the ONE WORLD GOV control by the anti-christ who is part of the satan devil dictator .

      • Manny , you are the buffoon! Trump has laid out policies! What are Kamalas policies ( other than STEALING Trump policies)?
        Again you are the poor senile buffoon!! And an extremely uneducated and ignorant one at that !!
        The lib cult has absolutely NO intelligence

  6. Here are more words every cult member uses when posting :

    “lying, corrupt, traitorous, slimy, POS wannabe dictator ”

    No intelligence, just do and say what your communist masters tell you !!

    Jag and Jackie are what communists call ” useful idiots ‘

    • Lawrence and the MAGAts always use the word Communist without having a clue what it means. Hope they got a refund from Trump University. (Another of Donnies’ scams.)


  8. True substance God help us if Kamala is elected. Sad to say I don’t think Trump has the best personality and has a lot of people that dislike him. But really when it comes to brass tacks taken care of business he can take care of business. Everyone loves talking about all his convictions, Yeah, every department climbing up his bottom end the Kangaroo Court New York convicted him on all charges. Before he step foot in the courtroom, he was guilty it’s absurd to think that we call that justice when he was not even allowed to present a proper defense. I truly believe to the core. My soul is that Trump loves America. They talk about him but take a look at she get into politics? She started her career as a mistress !!!! True story It’s very sad the power of the liberals have through media. True news should not have a position that does not exist today. Go back to Hunters computer, That story was buried until after the election . They called Trump a criminal. What kind of group of individuals have been running this country draining the swamp is what needs to happen. I grew up extreme left America today needs Trump. It’s insanity. What’s going on in America today. Allowing people to steal And walk out of the store as long as they have under $1000 worth of merchandise WTF is this. Today’s liberal policies. All of you liberals voting for Kamala please open your doors fill your house with illegals go to your bank and hand them your money. Billions of dollars given to nonprofits through government grants system programs to illegal aliens. Well, I’m getting a little off course but some of the people Responded referring to Trump as an orange turd grow the F up. Would he ever be my friend? No I don’t agree with him on everything, but we’re at point now were we need change and he’s IT !!!!

  9. Jackie, Your post is blasphemy!! The Lord Jesus Christ DOES NOT condone the actions of the satanic Democrat party!!
    Abortion, infanticide, child mutilation, transgender, LGBTQ, drag queens in school, porn in elementary school libraries,!! These are ALL SATANIC and you support them !!
    You can’t call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and support satanic Democrat party and lie as well !


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