Taylor Swift PANICS After HILARIOUS BACKFIRE She Didn’t See Coming!



I am a registered Independent, Pagan my entire life, and I’m voting TRUMP.

Kamala got endorsed by Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Dick Cheney, and now Taylor. Worst team ever


  1. Those Billionaire’s need to stick together, watch each others back and be so foolish not to really know how or what shape our ( America ) country is in.
    I just don’t understand if you see where we are and what has been done to us over the past 3-1/2 years, then your greed and selfishness does stand out. I hope you can live with that…, and if you can then it’s a shame.

  2. That is one thing i can not do is listen to actors are singers like her They dont know the real world any more Some i respect for there stance for God and the truth but most there words not much And if a person believes in God they sure cant vot for dems who want him out of every thing

  3. What a LOW IQ Dummy Swift Is! You just alienated half the nation who will never buy your music or concert tickets. And most of your followers are too young to legally vote and pay little or nothing in taxes!

  4. Real easy just look at the many let’s say guy friends she been thru should so anyone she not thinking about all of us that are starving to buy food even for our dogs and cats unbelievable all the money in the world. She really needs to stop look at what she just said. I’m sure just maybe God will help her figure out what she did wrong.

  5. The Very Best and VERY Important and Very INTELLIGENT supporter of KAMALA’s quest for a future Career as a President of the United States 🇺🇸 Really Needs to be supported by the People of America 🇺🇸 So that the Country That Needs to Be Protected From the Threat of the TRUMPastic Tyranny of the USA 🇺🇸 That was SHOVED down Our Throats and Our Democracy before the Last Election 🗳️ for President 😹🤡

    • Jag , America has fought communism since WW2! And now uneducated ignorant lib cult is pushing for Kamala ,who is a communist , ( dad is MARXIST communist) and tim is an avowed communist with strong ties to CCP!!
      Seriously ?? You think communism is going to protect YOU??
      YOU say Trump is a tyrant and a threat ?.you ain’t seen nothing yet if Kamala gets in office!! Communist have murdered MORE people than Hitler every thought he could !!
      You throw around word democracy but have absolutely NO knowledge of what you are talking about!!
      You are so brainwashed it is
      pathetic !!
      The patriotic Americans are to intelligent to fall for communist Democrats !! And the Democrat cult is utterly ignorant and uneducated !!
      You are what your communist masters call ” useful idiot”!
      And history tells us the ” useful idiots ” are first ones sent to concentration camps !! But again lib cult is totally ignorant of that !!

      I’m sure you never read any responses to your ridiculous posts !
      You get paid to post your garbage!! That is all you care about !
      ” Democrat voters are basically Stupid and easily manipulated” Hillary

      • This is great Lawrence well said. these Democrat, I mean Demonrats, voters are so Stupid & blind and they can’t see what’s going on around them they are totally ignorant!!

      • Speaking about uneducated, you really don’t get what Communism really is. Neither Kamala nor anyone in the US is at least a bit close to Communism.

        • Angelica ,
          I DO KNOW what communism is !! It is YOU that is uneducated!!
          Kamala is communist !! Her dad is a MARXIST communist !? HE taught her !!
          Tim Walz has admitted to being communist !! He has strong ties to CCP!!

          You need to educate yourself ! Yo saying no one in America is the least not close to communism is proves you are ignorant and uneducated !!

        • Censorship, Gun Control, Government-controlled Press
          (Zuckerburg,ABC, NBC, CNN, ect.), uncontrolled immigration.
          Sounds like a government of the people , by the people, and for the people to you?
          They have violated too many of my Constitutional rights to me.

      • It’s hard to believe the maga-morons like Lawrence have no clue what Communism is! He should watch Trump express his devotion to Putin and Kim Yung Un. Trump is lusting to be America’s dictator.

    • It doesn’t take much research. Who in her right mind would support a vile POS who cheats on every wife he’s had, bangs porn stars, has a record of sexual assault, and calls himself a good Christian? Has there ever been such a low-life or a politician with such shitty character? Gee I wonder why he only has 12% of the women’s vote, and who the hell are those women? They should live under the Taliban.

      • Marcie , quit talking about Biden ! No one cares !! We know he is an adulterer, sexual molester,and pedophile !! Support abortion , child mutilation, porn in school and still claims to be Christian !?
        You have never read the Bible!
        God uses least of men to reach others ! The Bible is full of adulterers, murderers,etc that God used to further his kingdom !! I suggest you read the Bible! Start reading about King David !!

        Too bad you aren’t a Christian !! But we will pray for you

        • Lawrence, stop displaying your stupidity. God has no use for a convicted sex offender with three unhappy wives vthat he has cheated on, and who shows his tiny mushroom to porn stars, then pays hush money to them to shut up. You are insulting GOD.

  6. Her accountant and tax advisors need to mention her upcoming 20% wealth tax under the Hairass plan she’ll be forking over $250,000,000. Comrade Kamala will use it to kill babies snd petform sex change ops on incarcerated illegals…

    • So true !!
      And the communists get rid of the
      ” Useful idiots” first !! Most libs have no knowledge of history so they support communist Democrats !!
      Definition of stupidity is trying same thing over and over expecting a different result

      • WOW! Are all magats this ignorant about Communism? They probably think all countries with social benefits are Communist. Meanwhile Trump is a proven traitor and wannabe dictator who tried to overthrow the government and the will of the voters. That’s called TREASON and wannabe dictators get executed for that.

  7. Former President Donald Trump’s effort to reach Black voters in Baltimore this week seemed to go awry, as local news station WYPR reported that a “Black Republicans for Trump” event only drew a tiny crowd.
    Additionally, reports local news station WBALTV, many local residents who were in the area were not pleased to have a Trump rally there. “Why bring that racist pig here?” was heard.

    • How cute !! Another ignorant lib spouting his BS !!
      BLACKS are leaving communist Democrats in droves!!

      Trump racist?? Dumbest remark of the month !! History proves Democrat party is party of racism!!

    • Comments like that are obviously by someone ignorant about Trump’s pattern & believes the repeated democrat lies because Trump is not racist.

      • 👍👍👍
        Saying Trump is racist shows they are just repeating lies told them by their democrat masters !!.
        Not intelligent enough to do research

        • How many nationalities did you see in Trump’s cabinet? Only sleepy Ben. Now 18 of his 40 appointees are supporting Harris since they learned what a useless POS Trump is.

  8. Please do not forget what the majority of Americans think of Trump. They flushed the orange turd at the first chance they had, because he turned out to be a lying, corrupt, traitorous, slimy, POS wannabe dictator with zero ability to run the country. They sure didn’t dump him because he did a decent job. Wake up fools!

    • Jackie ,
      I must commend you !! You did a good job with your cut and paste . All you libs know how to do is kindergarten cut and paste !! It is evident because you all post same thing- same vulger language, same name calling, etc !! No originality

        • Manny ,I am way to intelligent to fall for your lib LIES and BULLSHIT !! . I research FACTS unlike ignorant and uneducated lib cult members. You believe any and all BS fed you from Trump Russia collusion to all the bullshit you are fed today
          ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary

  9. i thank you should not bash taylor swift because of the presidential canidate she choices to support. i thank if every body stopped listing to all the dossip an come to your on conclusion.you should not crisize a person for what they do or say with out all the facks first .


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