Kurt Russell JUST HUMILIATED Woke Culture and Hollywood is FURIOUS



Kurt Russell is one of the few good ones left. A true legend.

Kurt Russell is 100% correct and I’m very happy he’s speaking out.


  1. I agree with Kurt Russell. Gun control shouldn’t be allowed due to disarming citizens from the right to bear arms to defend themselves and to provide food for their families. If there is a gun control it should be aimed at those trying to purchase semiautomatic weapons and 9 millimeter hand guns. Those are not needed to protect oneself nor in hunting animals for food. Also stricter rules for gunners whose backgrounds aren’t known or clear. If the applicant has a checkered background then he should be refused a gun purchase. But those types can easily purchase firearms under the black market . That’s how criminals usually get their weapons. So honest citizens wouldn’t be able to defend themselves against a criminal activity and criminals would know that so there would be an increase in crime! More deaths. More crime. As the trend is leading up to now! Americans are afraid to speak up for their rights because they are afraid of being ostracized. You’re either for it or you’re against it. No in between wishy washy opinions about it! I respect Kurt Russell for his honesty and speaking his mind. More citizens should follow his suit! Being untruthful is what’s bringing our great country to it’s knees.

    • I agree with most of what you said. However, my 9 mm is always close by when I am in the house alone. It is the PERFECT gun for self-protection. I am a woman and know how to handle ALL of my guns.

  2. Common sense will tell you if you take guns away only the criminal will have them and your defenseless. We have gun laws in NY, Chicago, Baltimore and yet everyone getting killed, tell me why with the gun laws. I wanted a carry permit in LI, but no I wasn’t a business who carried money to the bank and try getting a pistol permit. The wait is 2yr. and they want to charge you a fortune every year to own a gun. But the criminals keep robbing and killing.

    • It’s hardly astonishing that countries with strict gun laws only have 5% of the shootings per capita that we have. We are still the uncivilized old wild west and insecure without guns. Grow some balls, people!

  3. What ells can one say? Kurt is right about all of it, Ted is too! The only thing I will add is America has to many functioning mentally ill people walking among us. Most are not dangerous to anyone but them self’s. The problem as I see it, Thay can vote. Functioning Mentally Ill or (FMI’s) will seek out others that will agree with them and use the FMI for personal gain. I won’t mention names that start with a K

  4. Yeah, Trump couldn’t even beat Biden last time, and Biden was the weakest candidate the Dems had ever ran. What chance does he have against Harris? He’s so consistent at losing.


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