Sen. Hawley Goes Crazy After FBI’s Wray Admits He Left Hearing Early For Luxury Vacation



I AM SO FURIOUS that NOTHING IS EVER done for these Horribly CORRUPT and incompetent!!!

Wray is an insult to this country. He belongs in prison for his constant war against the rights and freedoms of American citizens.


  1. WOWsy The only Really Great Politician Just Left America 🇺🇸 For His Vacation to ESCAPE ALL of the Country’s TRULY TRUMPshit That He Has Been Trying To Get Out Of His Country and His Own Party 🎈 🤮🤪🤪

    • Congress cannot fire nor imprison anyone. They can investigate and bring up charges against him and present to the leftist-owned DOJ. Now you know how the story ends.

  2. God help this country. The head of the FBI of all people. I suggest Congress take one Saturday, mops, brooms, buckets, bleach and clean out this disease called the FBI and others like this slap in the face to the American citizens that pay through the nose for their service. No wonder this country has gone to the dogs with crap like this. Get rid of the crap and hire those that will do their jobs as the oath calls for. The Secret Service is another one needing bleach and removal. Agencies like these are a stain on our Constitution and a disgrace.

  3. I makes me sick to see the heads of every government agency lie 100% of their time when questioned directly by US senetors!!! Disgusting! All the more reasons to literally “clear the swamp!!” We’re screwed when the LEADERS are liars and evaders!”

  4. To all who have sense, it leaves Jag off out of this. Wray is a loser just like the rest of OBIDENS felons. He has lied his whole career and probably his whole existence. The FBI is the reason the DOJ is so corrupt.

  5. Between Obama, Biden, and the others of their ilk, (Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, etc., etc.) this country has a desperate need to “drain the swamp;” because the U.S. has been crumbling under the rottenness pushed into and throughout our government. Firing most of the good flag-level officers from our military, through forced early retirements, has decimated our military strength, turning us into “a paper tiger.” Promoting DEI policies, (diversity, equity, inclusion) has emasculated the fighting and other functional readiness which we USED TO HAVE !!! Requiring “clot shots” and other “medical treatments” have put many troops into dire jeopardy, some straight into death by “inexplicable” heart attacks, etc. It has become totally obvious, not only to true Americans, but ALSO TO OUR FOREIGN ENEMIES, that they have total advantage over us right now – until we can get a decent Commander-In-Chief back into OUR White House to REBUILD OUR NATION’S DEFENSES !!! The Sellouts by Obama and Biden have put America into unprecedented depletion of abilities – and “the world’s policeman” is not currently able to deter the starts of proxy wars, such as two now in the Middle East. If Democrats pull another “victory” in November, the United States Of America is probably doomed, within two years or less !!!


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