STAGGERING’: ABC’s video of Trump’s closing statement goes viral



Obama’s third term is the worst one yet and we can’t afford a fourth term.

Kamala never denied being a Marxist.


  1. Why hasn’t she done it ? Because she doesn’t really want it done and won’t ever done it! Anyone voting for hairass is either very stupid of very ignorant or very demon infested

  2. Women vote just because someone is a woman.Young women vote for who their music choice tells them to vote for.
    Blacks vote for a person because of their color.
    People listen to the media to make their choice of candidate.
    Why dont you take the time to do YOUR own research and make your own decision.

  3. World Bank has announced that the US economy is so strong it’s stabilizing other countries around the world! I hope the Magats still don’t believe that Trump or Biden could tell companies what they can charge for their products? Take a lesson in Economics. The stock market has doubled. Interest rates are going down. Unemployment is low. We are great again! Keep it that way in November. Trump was a failure we can’t afford to repeat.

  4. I hope everyone remembers Trump’s bullshit promises: .Mexico will pay for the wall. .I will eliminate ISIS. .I will balance the budget. .I will create an infrastructure fund. .I will repeal Obamacare. .I will terminate DACA immediately. I will ban foreign lobbyists. .I will not take vacations or have time to golf. .I will bring back manufacturing.
    .We will have guaranteed 6 week paid leave. .We will deport criminal immigrants. .I will eliminate the estate tax.
    .We will have a new healthcare plan within 30 days.

    He was asked about his healthcare plan at the debate. (8 years later now) He said I don’t have a plan, just “a concept of a plan.”

    There were 44 other failed “promises” but this is more than enough to show that his bullshit comes out not only from his mouth, but flows freely from his eyes and nose as well. He is so full of lies that he well deserves his title of worst president ever! We don’t need to get into his moral character.
    How anyone can support the orange turd is amazing and disgusting!

  5. What is really pathetic is that Trump has NO economic policy! He proved in his short term that he was totally clueless about economics. He promised to balance the budget, but added $8 TRILLION to the deficit. Don’t let him bankrupt the USA. He’s had 6 bankruptcies himself. That seems to be his only expertise. A guy who can bankrupt casinos isn’t qualified to run a lemonade stand. He’s had 20 failed businesses! America would be next if he was reelected.


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