Listen to Press Go Quiet as Patrick Mahomes Makes Reporter Regret Asking This



Mahomes did exactly what a celebrity should do. Encourage Americans to vote as they see fit for their own families.

Great answer by Mahomes.


  1. Great news! World Bank has announced that the US economy is so strong it’s stabilizing other countries around the world! I hope the Magats still don’t believe that Trump or Biden could tell companies what they can charge for their products? Take an inflation lesson in Economics. The stock market has doubled. Interest rates are going down. Unemployment is low. Don’t listen to FOX. We ARE great again! Keep it that way in November. Trump was a failure we can’t afford to repeat.

  2. ABSOLUTELY True!!
    TRUMP was a Very Special FAILURE 😨
    Save AMERICA 🇺🇸 and the World and VOTE for KAMALA and her team to be the next President and Vice President and SAVE ALL of AMERICANS from GRAFT and STUPIDITY and PLEASE VOTE FOR THE GREAT KAMALA 👍👍🇺🇸✅

  3. Kamala is stupid. No business skills, no knowledge of foreign policy,. Lied about Trump in the debate, just like Biden lies about his degrees, where it came from. One thing the Democratic Party in general is missing. Common sense. The lies about Russia Collusion in 2016 Election. And still today. The lies about January 6. The January6 Committee was a doozy. The Mainstream Media is so corrupt. There was voter fraud. In Washington D.C. 67,522 unregistered names on voter rolls, 32,000+ names promised to be taken off, and another 73,000+ as inactive. That was only DC. By law, at least every two years NVRA requires all states to make an effort to clean rolls. Some states just ignored or reported less than five. Hunter’s laptop was intentionally hidden by the FBI. Computer repairman threatened. All fact. Joe was bribed, with Hunter’s Burisma connection. Checks, phone records, travel vouchers, using aliases. All proven. Documents at Joe’s Residence and other unsecured locations. Iran, Ukraine, and telling Israel what they should do. The border complete incompetence. Border agents have been overwhelmed, and most recognize how dangerous and stupid the policies by Biden/Harris are. Trump visited the border, and started the border wall. Not perfect. But something is better than nothing. Little at a time. Trump went to the funerals of the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster. Biden/Harris left millions of dollars of American Equipment, and some of our citizens and allies there. No plan to bring them back. Controlled withdrawal. Civilians and allies first is basic. Then the military. Trump went to the train disaster and supplied supplies and support. Trump donates to many charities and causes. Where is the Mainstream Media? Looking for the next insult. The First News and NewsMax are the only fact checkers. Kamala Harris bailed BLM, Antifa, and others out of jail. Believes less Police is better. Supports crime. Sex and human trafficking at all time highs. Not getting better. Biden/Harris Climate agenda destroys our Energy Independence. Our reserves depleted. Financed the Russian Pipeline, and took away our Alaska Pipeline and jobs and careers. There is so much more. Many experts and just common knowledge. They want a Socialist, Marxist, Communist Country. Destroys societies and freedoms. Colleges, Universities, and Schools under attack with DEI, CRT, and Woke. Proven wrong years ago. Nothing new. Big government is no good. God over government. Trump is not a dictator. Trump was already successful. He became President to root out the corruption. Has been under attack ever since.

  4. At least The Imposter has SENSE.
    I dont kbow what these other MORONS are talking about.

    They’re probably CLOSET TRUMP supporters anyway.


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