McEnany outraged after bombshell report: We need to clean house!



Are we pretending that they aren’t purposely turning a blind eye we know the swamp is deep

How many people have been held accountable and fired or even disciplined in any way whatsoever?


  1. I am so sick to death of all journalists saying Trump is the former President. Trump IS the legal, reinaugurated President of the United States Republic, not Joe Biden who is only president of the United States Corporation, Inc which is now DeFacto, if you can even call Biden any kind of president. Biden was allowed to “play” President for a very good reason. So many people do not do the research to find things out for the truth. They only believe what MSM has told them. Where did that get anyone? McAnany is correct. We need to start arresting and/or firing the FBI. We need to do our jobs according to the oaths of office that IS NOT being done. How can we trust our Congresspeople, FBI, and other law enforcement if they do not do their jobs. This means they are also criminals.

  2. Kayleigh is a national TREASURE … smart as a tack, accurate in thought and commentary, and DAMN FINE to look at. I was hopeful that Tulsi would join the Trump Camp, and I got my wish. I have read that the former President and Kayleigh had a falling out some time ago. But here’s hoping that they’ll patch things up in time for her to rejoin the upcoming Administration. In Tulsi & Kayleigh, our nation would be blessed to have two of the sharpest spokeswomen and leaders. ( and a final note… GTH Kammie, you phony ! )

  3. If Trump gets reelected, he will fire turds from the Biden regime. Actually, they’re the turds from the Obummer regime that dopey Joe rehired. I thought they were gone for good, but now they’re back gain with a vengeance.


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