Kamala Harris BUSTED Staging Photo Op At The Border As Border Patrol DROPS DEVASTATING News!



Her only policy is just too badmouth Trump that’s it

What about her flying and bussing them in ???? That’s DJT’S fault too???


  1. b.s. straight up. if there are any Americans who believe this lame excuse, they need to go to the border and see for yourself. commala returned to the scene of the crime recently and blamed the border crisis on djt. some things won’t change until Jan.

  2. Just more lies from Kacklea O’Harris. Her father is part Irish, right? She’s a lying fraud, through and through. She can’t even tell the truth about her own family. How can anyone believe her lies about anything else? Her and the dementia puppet, who she said was “sharp as a tack”, have brought this destruction upon us. They must be held accountable for their treasonous acts.

    • Her father’s family were all Irish and had a huge farm in Jamaica. I would need to watch the Candance Owen’s show again to get the number of slaves they kept on that farm , but there were several!

  3. Robert, I agree. This is an example of an arsonist returning to the scene of the crime. Cackling Kammy is responsible for the illegal freeloader invasion. What will she do about it? Nothing.

  4. Anyone voting for Harris is indeed stupid or brain washed. Open your eyes and look at the damage this administration has done to America in almost four years. Anyone listening to her are the ones putting our county at the risk of WW111.That grating nasal voice make me physically sick.

  5. WOW WOW 😮
    More and More Lyrics by The Boys on their TRUMPETS
    Is there ANYONE who has never heard the Song 🎶 by The Boys of the TRUMP Band and The ReAl lyrics of LIES by The Original OLD TRUMPy
    WOW The Real TRUMP is a very Great 👍 LIE to You and the Rest of Your AMAZING AMERICA 🇺🇸 and YOUR Family 😱✅

  6. The people with TDS (Trump Devotion Syndrome) are ignoring how much Trump is a Commie wannabe dictator. He worships Putin, quotes Hitler, and brags about his love affair with Kim Yung Un. I’ve asked everyone to show me where he has ever said bad words about any of them. NOTHING! How does an incompetent senile old fool manage to brainwash so many MAGAts?

  7. He visited North Korea to stabilize the relationship with South Korea. No President ever did that. He does not worship Putin. Obama does. Hillary pushed the lies with Steele. Proven. Paid for. Hillary than destroyed laptops, hard drives, phone records. Same with the January 6 Committee. What ever happened to those records. Gone. FBI hides Hunter’s laptop before the election. Yes there was voter fraud. According to the NVRA there were 67,000+ unregistered voters, another 37,000+ were promised to be taken off, and 73,000+ as not active. This was only Washington D.C. NVRA requires states to clean voter rolls at least every two years. Most states ignored or reported less than five. Why hasn’t the Mainstream Media ever reported this? Answer. Would prove the fraud. Other states had similar fraud. Make America Great. Or put America last. Biden/Harris and the rest want a Socialist, Communist country. They are the threat to societies and freedoms. The First News, NewsMax, IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters show the facts. Every charge against Trump has been finally proven to be a lie. Including Jean Carroll and Stormy Daniels paid to lie.

    • How can anyone (with a brain) support a lying corrupt traitorous POS like Trump for any political position. Commie Trump tried to overturn the election and the will of the people. Most countries have the death sentence for treason! His fellow Jan 6 traitors got jail terms, but their asshole leader gets to run for POTUS? WTF?

  8. a vote for Harris is a vote for WWIII. No backbone and certainly not respected by our enemies. Those who spew hatred probably are from families that have not been here for hundreds of years or are brain washed during their college years.
    Go ahead vote for the waffler.
    BTW Mr. Williams those Jan 6 traitors as you call them have not had a fair trial and never will under a democrac(tic part)y rule. Get it! read between the lines.


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