BREAKING: DRONE STRIKE AT MAR-A-LAGO! Trump’s Defiant Response: “They Can’t Silence America!”



This is insane. Buckle up America. Things are getting ready to get ugly.



    • The Democrats have done everything that can do to destroy Trump. The biggest enemies of the US are the Democrats! They have followed their dishonest playbook and Trump has been protected by G-d. Biden and Harris are part of that corrupt Party that has no shame. They put up the worst, most incompetent people to destroy America. I also blame every law school dean, who have supported the Democrats against President Trump. Are there any honest attorneys left in the US? I doubt it.

  1. Trump is tough and brave knowing there are people that would like nothing better than to kill him and he is still out campaigning

  2. B__S__. He is a candy ass weasel. I don’t want him dead, just as he said for an candidate. “Lock ’em up”. That way a lot of reporters will be at the jail and might listen to other convicts! And their sad story that everybody is against them robbing people.

  3. I know a few postal workers that are most certainly not in the Harris love fest but are for Trump all the way. Maybe more than you think.

  4. no one needs to have their lifes threatened.higher penalities for life threats and less penalities on petty theft, To me petty theft she be minimun jail term or pay the cost of damages and stolen goods to individuals.We need to revamp all jail terms to be more in line with.the publics needs, example if you are a head of a group and spark your group to vandalize then your group will be the target of fines and cost of repairs not the tax payers.

      • Yes, Trump has funneled hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money to his hotels, golf courses, himself and his family. Before elected, all he did was run a fake university, steal from charities, inflate bank appraisals, go bankrupt, screw contractors, etc. Probably the worst choice ever for president. He has always been a scam artist and a total loser.

  5. i dont know if the DOJ is getting old and now is time to weed out the ineffective employees and replace with new
    As far as the secret service goes look at all those retiring special forces to hire or reiting military personel

    • Yes, Trump is a senile ranting old fool now, suffering from dementia. We even see the GOP urging him to STFU. He’s become an embarrassment to the USA and especially to the Republican party.

  6. In my estimation, Trump was one of the very best Presidents in US history. Biden has been one of the very worst Presidents in US history. Harris is far worse than Biden.

  7. The democrats need someone to blame, it’s the crooked democrats that are behind it all, just like with JFK, they are getting bolder the closer we get to the election, they know their asses are grass and Trump will be the lawn mower when he’s elected

  8. Any demoncrats, or media members who call Trump, Hitler, a threat to democracy, a racist, or anything else derogatory should be charged with a hate crime. I’ll be dropping out of my union in December. Freaking losers.

    • How much more obvious can it be, even to the maga-morons? Traitor Trump tried to overturn the election and the voter’s choice. Ask Mike Pence! Most countries have the death sentence for TREASON. Most of his other Jan 6 traitors went to jail. Face the FACTS!

  9. This is disgusting . Two attempted assassinations , now a drone? People are messed up in the head and the SS and FBI need to do better at their jobs or they should be fired! If this was happening to any dem, they would be all over it! Get it together folks. Pay attention on what’s going on here.


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