Cut off the $$$ going to Zelensky! Enough is enough!

The fact that Zelenskyy is so cozy with biden and harris is enough for me to vote Trump just on its own.


  1. It’s time to end dual citizenship. Revoke Soros’ US citizenship and send his old a$$ back to Hungary. CNN and MSM couldn’t brainwash everyone into ignoring the facts. They big mad that they failed. This entire, failed administration are nothing but liars. I’m so done with Zelensky, I don’t care if Russia bulldozes Ukraine. Ukraine is more corrupt, than the demoncrats. This administration ushered thousands of criminals into our country. That sounds like treason to me. What’s the punishment for treason again? Of course the FBI and DOJ know how many feds were instigating the crowd. They put them there. This entire administration are liars. Sounds like treason to me. The whole administration should be prosecuted.

    • Hungary either has permanently banned Soros or they have a price tag on his head. He is persona non gratis in many countries. He is really pushing for One World Order. He is a VIP at the annual Bilderberg meeting in Switzerland. Read an article by The Independent – here’s an excerpt: “A collective of elite North American and European politicians, business leaders, financiers and academics, the group has attracted a good deal of suspicion …”. Soros, Obama, Bill Gates and others are annual attendees. There used to be a video on YouTube of Obama giving a speech that included “Americans were too stupid to know what’s good for them.” I saw the video and Soros also gave a speech as well as Bill Gates and others. Of course that video is no longer available as YouTube is far leftist as well and they took it down. What’s currently going on in America as well as Europe is in their playbook. That includes the illegal alien surge. They need to get rid of Trump any way they can because he a threat to their ultimate plan. The evil doers need to be brought to justice and, if found guilty, sentenced to death for treason. The lesser crime puppets need to go to Gitmo. It’s time to purge America so we the people can live free and in peace once again. God Bless America. Trump/Vance 2024!!

  2. Does anyone in Washigton know how to tell the truth? These people LIE and Cheat 24 hours a day. You can tell the way he talks that he is covering up, GHod is watch and HELL will be overflowing!!!


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