What Israel Just Did Changes EVERYTHING!!!



America, you only have two choices, Harris or Trump?Harris will make your life a living hell …Trump will make your life a life of happiness. …Choose.



  1. U mess with the bull, u get the horn. Time for Iran, to know, how powerful Israel really is, when u attack our country. u will never know what going to hit u. Israel is no longer on defense, u have started this war against Israel, and Israel can only do one thing, fight for it’s existence, if it means destroying, Iran, so be it. They are tired of being attacked, and will avenge that attack, in their time.

    • Obviously: Everything on this website is fiction. It is not a lie and it is not fake news because it is not real. If you believe that it is real, you should have your head examined. Any similarities between this site’s pure fantasy and actual people, places, and events are purely coincidental and all images should be considered altered and satirical.

  2. This entire thing was fueled by 3 people: Obama, Kerry and Bribem. Remember that while Jack Smith and his Election Obstructionists are playing games and Bribem and Majerka$$ are out of FEMA MONEY. They spent it on illegal invaders. Now isn’t that wonderful.

  3. Let me wander off topic for a bit. Dr Turley, what do you think about Jim Ricards predictions for the fall of the Stock Market, and the collapse of the Dollar, and the pandemonium that will ensue, if the Democrats block Trump from assuming the White House should he win the election? i.e. the January 6th certification of the election results, that they can supposedly block?

    • The economy has boomed since we flushed the orange turd! The stock market has doubled. Interest rates and inflation have been going down. We have the highest oil production and the strongest economy in the world. You can whine about inflation but you must know that Trump nor Biden don’t tell companies what they can charge for their products. Don’t you?

  4. mr president, what do you think of the strikes in yemen ? duhhh uhhhhhhh I fully support collective bargaining agreements duhhh uhhhhhhh , wait? suck what , joe, ? are you fucking stoopid joe ? (sic)

    • ,….~ press-pool on the ground laughing at this IDIOT, joe bidungskiy, dumbest fuck the democRATs ever put forth,…. ever since mondale even!

      • Yes, it sure didn’t take much of an opponent to flush the orange turd. And now the moron was crushed in his debate by a woman he called stupid. What does that make him? LOL!! No wonder the tiny mushroom stated he will not debate again.

      • No, spread-eagle Kamahluh is by far worse than Bribem, can you believe it? They scraped the bottom of the barrel to come up with her and Tampon Timmy.

  5. Doesn’t look good for Trump since he lost the women’s vote. At least Melania said she doesn’t agree with him. Will that help or hurt?

  6. Honestly, ever since Trump came along with his nasty attitude and insults, he has instilled hatred in the nation. No one has ever seen him admit a mistake or apologize to anyone, or even say one bad word about his idol Putin. He cheats on every wife, bangs porn stars & pays hush money, grabs pussies and wants to control women’s bodies while calling himself a Christian. YUK! He makes us women voters want to puke!

  7. Wow so many idiots so little time!!!! Trump will go down in history as the best president this country has ever had both times!!!!

    • Get serious! Nobody was a bigger fuckup than Trump. He mishandled Covid and the economy. He had to add $8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt and waste $2 billion on stimulus payments. He was ignorant about foreign affairs and economics. He gave HUGE tax breaks to billionaires without knowing how to replace the lost revenue. Definitely the WORST president in history, and the voters agreed by flushing the orange turd ASAP!


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