5 DISTURBING Questions After Biden Dropped Out & Endorsed Kamala Harris


President Biden has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place. But something doesn’t seem right about this, Glenn says. Glenn reviews the 5 questions that he has after Biden’s announcement: Was Biden forced out and did he get anything in return? Will Kamala Harris actually be the candidate come November? Why didn’t Biden also resign from office? Are the Democrats stuck with Harris because of DEI? And how can the Democratic Party say they’re “saving democracy” when – for the THIRD election in a row – party elites are choosing the candidate, not the people: “The ordinary Democrat, do you realize you don’t have a voice anymore?!”


50 plus years of crime and corruption! FJB!!

KAMALA IS NOT BLACK!! She’s East Indian and Jamaican!!! Get it right!!!


  1. To cut to the chase and make things simple, especially for the brainless liberals who have a hard time with critical thinking: Past performance is indicative of future performance and that makes harris unacceptable as the next president, period, end of story! Screw her fantasy about wanting to be the first female president or whatever. This isn’t about fulfilling her fantasy, this is about the future of Amrerica that under her and joey bidee are at a long time low. Really ask yourself, just what has she done in her 3+ years as vice president, other than make a buffoon out of herself and step in it daily? Her job as the border czar (sounds like a passage from the communist manifesto) has been a failure and she has the gall to insult the American people saying the southern border is secure despite thousands of illegals crossing monthly that’ll eventually be supported by you guessed it, the taxpayers. Is this what America wants as the next commander in chief, hopefully NO!


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