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Army Snipers Scariest Encounter with a Ghost

Army Snipers Scariest Encounter with a Ghost



If you’ve never experienced it you’ll think these are bs. But if you have experienced it, you’ll never forget it. You’ll remember every detail.

We had a ghost of a WW1 Medic in the home I grew up in. He looked after me,as strange as it sounds. He would stand at the end of my bed every night. He did not scare me. I didn’t realize he was a ghost. I thought he was the sandman that came at night to help put me to sleep. It wasn’t until my 9th grade history class that I recognized the uniform of a WW1 soldier carrying a bag with a cross on it. He was a Medic. I knowvthis sounds crazy but I believe that man/ghost was protecting me. My mom had gotten remarried to a pedophile, she didn’t know that but I was about to find out all about it. This ghost would appear and scare my step father. This ghost would keep me safe at night. That’s how I understood it, felt about it.Never did I feel fright from this ghost, My mother left him and remarried a great guy who treated me like his own daughter, Never did anything against me or was weird in anyway, I’m thankful for actions that ghost did, I know it sounds nuts but it’s true

Army Snipers Scariest Encounter with a Ghost

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