Bruh I agree. Out race is the problem. It’s sad to admit ‍♂️

Black culture; embarrassed by nothing, yet offended by everything


  1. No matter how hard they try to blame their problems on everyone else they cant. while the root cause id government, not just white supremacy. it started at the end of the fifties. the demands that government help unwed mothers and provide for their support.

    this came directly from black organizations that would claim that young black men wouldn’t get married because they couldn’t get jobs that paid well enough to support a family. They provided apartments, paid for gas and electric and food stamps. the more kids you had the more allowance you got. the problem came when the fathers were not allowed to live with the woman.

    it was gov. that started to separate the family. demanded as I said before by black groups that demanded support. the result was the kids grew up without a father. the reason for most of the mental problems we see today.

    What did they think would happen when you take away the responsability from a man to support a family. they can impregnate as many women as they want. the unintended consequence is the inbreeding that will happen as kids dont know who their fathers are produce kids with much higher health problems and actual deformities.

    When you dont have a responsible parent that makes them go to school we produce kids without skills to get the better jobs they can support a family. What is needed is one parent that is the income provider and the other to provide the control in the home that sees the kids having the education that provides these skills.

    the parent at home also provides the organization that saves the money and make the dollar go as far as possible. this is another failuer of government. an average family can no longer be supported on one income. when both parents must work it is the kids who suffer the long term consequence’s.

    Government doesn’t help by telling them that only government can provide that LEVEL PLAYING FIELD they must have because they are black. Telling them that the greedy rich people are the problem and must pay their fair share so government can redistribute it to the poor people.

    We have heard this same story for decades. why do we still have poor people. Blacks have the highest rate for killing each other. who is at fault? gov. tells us we need more laws and take all the guns. all the law abiding people are now defenseless but the criminals still have them. they dont care what the law says.

    Gov still says it is unfair because more blacks are in prison. the laws are unfair and racist. we profile them because they are black. does it make sense for the cops to look for a white man when they are told that the criminal was black? judges letting out criminals with proven record of crimes to commit more.

    What is needed is incarceration that provides punishment.I have several methods that would work. use the old salt mines in Detroit. give them only shorts and flip flops. no guards needed. any trouble we turn out the lights and cut off their food for three days to start. if it continues for a week the next time.

    only one way out and nearly a mile down would see they had no escape. what would happen would be that word would be dont do a crime to get sent to the salt mine. it is also large enough to house many thousands of inmates.

    we could also do the same thing in our deserts out west. the idea is to provide punishment for crimes. If their skin color is black, well it doesnt matter. Education and having two parents are a good part of the answer. demand a DNA test on the child when born and all the sexual partners. then make the fathers support the child.

    if they cant then have labor farms that provide food for the prison system and senior and veteran support. Make them learn a trade while working on these farms. elect. plumbing. carpenters, heavy equipment. brick layer and Mason are all jobs that are always in demand and pay well.

    When serving their sentence require them to finish school. Dont hand out money for support because of kindness and guilty conscience. education limits the power of government.—– I, Grampa


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