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Breaking: Crowder Reacts Live To Louisville Mass Shooting! | Louder With Crowder



The next Republican POTUS just needs to do an executive order for constitutional carry nationwide. Let’s watch how fast the Democrats start calling for states’ rights.

I’m from and currently live in Louisville and I can confirm that Louisville is a crime ridden city, and I myself have witnessed multiple shootings first hand. I hope that our administration doesn’t use this tragedy in order to restrict our law abiding citizens from being able to protect themselves with firearms. We are one of the more lax States with our gun laws and we as a community rely on them to deter criminals. The shooter actually lived in my neighborhood and police are currently raiding his house. Hopefully the people that were injured in this shooting make a recovery. Thank you Crowder and Alex Jones, for shedding light onto this issue with our government trying to use these awful events to take away rights from us as American citizens. More accountability is needed and should be put onto the people who commit these crimes and not the guns.

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