My brother is gay and I have been surrounded by his circle of gay friends my entire life. It is AAAAALLLL about sex, sex and more sex. And as soon as my younger son reached pre pubescence, he tried to take my son under his wing and expose him to his gay friends, because he was my pretty child. My brother was also molested by an older married man in my community right under my parents’ nose. He sees this as a rite of passage into his homosexuality and all of his life dated extremely young men. Our parents raised us in what I call a “war zone”. My father didn’t want the responsibility of raising and supporting children and he let us know. My mother was domineering and encouraged my sister and me to be masculine while encouraging my brother to be flamboyant. Nobody talks about this aspect of homosexuality. Dysfunction in the family of origin is the common thread that lies just beneath the facade.
My dad told me number of times as I was growing up: you don’t love a woman for her body , you love her for her soul. You lust her body and looks fade away after time but the soul never changes.