The Only Place Cops Actually WANT YOU To Sleep In Your Car



My brother works for the Dallas Coroners Office and he’s told us all multiple times (paraphrasing)…”Your tire and your rim are worth less than your life. If you get a flat on a highway, drive off it before changing it!” He’s had to work multiple scenes where someone was simply trying to change their tire along the highway but ended up losing their life. Lose the tire and the rim instead of your life!!

I got harrassed by a cop for parking at a rest area in NJ. I was the only one at the stop, I had not been there 5 mins and was sitting upright when he pulled in and asked me what I was doing so I said I am resting. Then he says its not a campsite and starts asking over and over if I have a gun saying things like ” it is dangerous around here how do you protect yourself?” Finally he tells me I have to leave so I say “okay, I thought I was too tired to drive but if you want me on the road I guess I will go.” Then he says “never mind, you can take a nap here if you need to.” If I had admitted to having a gun I may have done 2 years, New Jersey is insane.


  1. New Jersey ??? is a police state “Peoples Republic”!. with utter contempt for the US constitutional bill of rights ….Of course it is the post crowded , crime and drug ridden part of America…. From the ant hill density of the beaches , the Rattlesnake preserves of the pine barrens, squalid urban cesspools like Camden to the elitist suburban havens and its coffeeshop liberal extremist theoreticians ..”unique ” ….
    i am fortunate to be living in “God’s country . Close to all of the civilized amenities , but clean , safe,and close to the wide open spaces , snow capped mountain ranges , gin clear trout streams …and 100 mile visibility .. Alas , it is suffering a debasing trend by immigration from California.. If I were a bit younger , I would consider other options for the future .eg Northern Idaho ..I will look back at the golden days of the past !


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