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The Unpopular Truth About Electric Vehicles | Mark P. Mills

The Unpopular Truth About Electric Vehicles | Mark P. Mills



When i was a kid, we bought Pepsi in a glass bottle. When you were finished with it, you took the bottle back and got a dime back. They would wash it and refill it. The same bottle was reused over and over. Then the corporation started making bottles from plastic (oil) at a fraction of the cost and also got rid of the labor to wash the bottles.
About that time I start hearing I need to recycle. We already were!
Same story with many other things such as go organic. We already were.
The corp is gonna do what’s good for the corp.

Part of my first job, at Dominion grocery stores was to bale cardboard for sale to the recycle company. Then our idiots in charge MANDATED that MUST be recycled. The immediate and predictable result was that the cardboard recycling company began to CHARGE rather than PAY for picking up the cardboard. The immediate and predictable outcome of this, was that I was told not to bail the used cardboard anymore… Just throw it in the Rubin bin. SUCH MANDATES DON’T WORK, they just make things worse.

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