“There’s NO WAY one shooter did this” Eye Witnesses confirm 2nd Trump shooter | Redacted News


We’re learning some disturbing new details about the attempted attack on Trump’s life as Redacted spoke to eye witnesses who say the official story simply doesn’t add up.


Victoria Nuland saying she knows Trump won’t be President because of a “surprise”….Imagine that.

This is OUR country. Not the Governments’ country.


  1. I viewed a video on Utube that was made by someone that had the equipment and the expertise to analyze the signatures of the shots fired at Trump. I must say this guy took the time and explained the data so even I could understand it While the Application is available to everyone I wouldnt understand how it worked.

    his explanation convinced me that they had more than two shooters. The shot that struck his ear sent Trump to the floor and agents around him. my friend who is a (was) a sniper said that if the first shot doesnt hit you move so you cant be located.

    whoever they were they moved to prevent getting shot by the people at the ready. it also showed the shots had an echo that confused the snipers on the roof as to where the rest came from. he said the human ear can only seperate sounds that are more than 1/10 second apart.

    they need to locate the other bullets to see their origin point and see if they can determine how many guns were used. I predict they wont because they have the shooter and will look no farther.

    Typical law enforcement today having one answer is all they need. I was glad to see the changes in his security team. watching the women when Trump was in the car shoed they didn’t know which way to turn. While the men just scanned the area they would start in one direction,stop and go off in another and do it again.

    the one woman had her holster in such an awkward position she couldn’t holster her gun. I will say it as many times as I can. DIVERSITY offers nothing. skin color or gender offers nothing. only skill makes the grade. put the women in a chopper because they do make better flyers.

    As a business owner that must have skill I have interviewed many women who couldn’t keep up with the back breaking work. it is just a fact of nature.

    If a woman couldn’t carry Trump to safety then she doesn’t belong in the place that would cause him danger. put her on the roof the shooter was on. they can shoot a gun if they can reach it.

    It is time to have a president with a spine. one that defends our constitution. the words DIVERSITY AND FAIRNESS are not mentioned in the constitution.———–I, Grampa


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