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Trump Walks Into Chick-Fil-A | Black Staff GASP, Then ROAR “We LOVE You!” Media Won’t Show You THIS

Trump Walks Into Chick-Fil-A | Black Staff GASP, Then ROAR “We LOVE You!” Media Won’t Show You THIS



Everytime we see posts & pics like this. Is why more people are voting for Donald TRUMP 2024

I'm black and MAGA since the beginning in 2016. I have a 17 year old and voted for Trump in the primary here in Chicago, where he blew it out with 84% of the Republican vote. My son knows what's going on, he does his research and we talk extensively about politics and how voting righteously with God in mind, when he votes, will impact his future. On the other hand, I'm so disappointed in this father who is raising up another generation of Democrats. The same demons who have made it their mission to not only tear the country down, but they have made demonic policies against black people. Talk about being a low information voter. These people are paid actors.

Trump Walks Into Chick-Fil-A | Black Staff GASP, Then ROAR "We LOVE You!" Media Won't Show You THIS

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