To me, the best thing to come out of all of this is that the Rs may start going after and punishing some of the corrupt ones on the other side.
I don’t think they have a choice.
The bar has been raised, or lowered, I guess. Prosecute the prosecutors!!
The Clintons surely should be strapped into the electric chair. Old poopypants senile stupid Joe, and his family, should be sent to Devil’s Island for hard labor for the rest of his miserable life. Pelosi should be lynched. Maxipad should be gassed. The rest of the dummycrats should face a firing squad armed with flamethrowers. And Alvin should be sent back to the cotton fields for the rest of his life.
Guessing after this time whenTrump is elected, he will take them down. He has nothing else to lose. If he would of done this the first time around we won’t be here now with all the BS going on. Time will tell tho . Unless civil war brakes out befor hand.
How quickly we BS’ed into forget the pictures from the laptop.. the piece of s who was stoned out of his mind, naked in the hot tub. Is now in the White House with his father ” lost in no man’s land” in Ireland leading him around like a blind daft old man that he is. How did we get a drug addict leading the leader of the free world insulting the greatest ally we have by talking like the old tv show….? Anyone remember the show that was called “Kids the Darnest thing?” Everything that came out of their mouths was a mouth dropper! Just like a child… a very confused child.