Black Parents Brainwash Kids To Hate Police Officers



This is SICK! Kids should not be taught that cops are bad because they might need them someday

I’m a 58 year old white male who served 23 years in the military and had seen combat, and that poor girl in the purple made me cry. That dad scared her into believing cops are out to get her. I pray that she can overcome that stereo type.


  1. Does that hate include hating black police officers? Not all cops are white. There’s also black, Hispanic, Asian, and American Indian cops. If a person is determined to teach their children to hate cops, it’s probably because the parent is a criminal themselves and are brainwashing their children to grow up to be criminals.

  2. When I was young living in Southeastern Detroit I was told by my parents, which were Spanish, Scott and Irish, that cops were good people and if you were ever in a bad situation to go to them for protection. It’s a simple solution, Just tell your kids that cop will protect them and if your ever told to do something by them do it. These people have been lied to by their Grandparents, Parents and now they are doing it to their kids. You have bread a potential convict by doing this.

  3. These are horrible parents. They are trying to get their kids killed before they have a chance to live. I’m sick of seeing black kids dying for no reason other than being taught to run from cops. STOP RUNNING. Teach your children to obey what and officer ask you to do (don’t get nasty or defiant) save their lives. Maybe as you were growing up, you had a horrible experience, OK tell them. BUT let them know that following the law will save their lives. My parents taught us 3 kids to respect cops and do what they ask when you get stopped (we always did, and never had a problem). My 3 children were raised the same way and have been stopped by cops more times than I can count and no problems. PLEASE, I beg you, teach them properly.

  4. This Video is teaching racism and hate. And in 90% of the cases, if not more, when a Policemen white or black stops a black person, if they would just do what the policeman tells them. But no, they have run when told to stop they keep their hands down when told to put your hands up most of the time they defy the policemen’s orders. The policemen want to go home at the end of the day so they use caution with everybody.

  5. When I was younger in the army I was driving to get off post when I saw Police lights in my Rear view mirror. So I rode my window down and pulled over and stopped. Started to get out of the car, and all of a suddenly there were four police cars around me with The policeman pointing guns at me. I’ll tell you what, I was scared. one came up to my car And asked me where I was coming from, where I was going. And I guess I answered all right, because he said, OK, I’m sorry. Someone had just robbed the post bank and was driving a car that looked exact like my car.
    Now the Robber was probably armed. That would be why the police had their weapons drawn. And I’m white, so it can happen to anybody.


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