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Founder Of KISS SLAMS Child Trans Surgeries, Says Acceptance Is Different Than Normalization

Founder Of KISS SLAMS Child Trans Surgeries, Says Acceptance Is Different Than Normalization



Tim should publicly invite a doctor that is preforming these surgeries on his show.

When my son was three he liked to pretend to be a dog. He would run around on all fours, bark at people, and sometimes lift his leg and pretend to pee on things just to get a laugh. I look back in shame that he wasn’t three in the enlightened era we live in now. I never encouraged him to pee for real and didn’t give him surgery so he could look like the dog he clearly knew he was. Now he is living a happy life and would never remember his transcanine years if there weren’t video of him doing it. I am horrified and beyond shamed that I didn’t support him back then, and can only encourage him to seek therapy so that he can truly accept his transcanine self.

Founder Of KISS SLAMS Child Trans Surgeries, Says Acceptance Is Different Than Normalization

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