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Armed Citizen Shoots 3 Robbers That Were Robbing A Gas Station In Houston

Armed Citizen Shoots 3 Robbers That Were Robbing A Gas Station In Houston



It’s scary, but this needs to happen. Criminals need to second guess their decisions. You never know who might be packing heat

When I was younger, I was one of those never comply people. Now, at 55, I like to think of myself more of a tactically compliant.
My sister and I were raised with guns in the house. Dad had a 357 in his nightstand. Mama had a snub-nosed thirty-eight. My sister and I learned fairly young how to use those weapons, and we learn from our uncle, who was a chief of police in Blue Mound Illinois. That cop told us that you don’t point a weapon at someone until you’re ready to shoot that person. Therefore, if someone has a gun pointed at me, I have to assume that they are ready to shoot me no matter what they say. This was deeply ingrained in me before I was a teenager even. I was instructed by a cop, a chief of freaking police, to always assume that when someone points a gun at me, they’re fixing to fill me full of holes even if I do comply. So, I agree with you. If someone is pointing a gun at you and you get a chance, you damn well better take that chance

Armed Citizen Shoots 3 Robbers That Were Robbing A Gas Station in Houston

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