Drama On Fox News Escalates When Tomi Lahren And Jessica Tarlov Go At It



Tomi well done girl. And Jessica is a stubborn debater to. But can’t admit when her argument is floored

We know one thing for sure. Jessica will always be on the wrong side. Every time!


  1. These lefties are nuts and are the cause of most of these horrible shootings! These idiots have been UNEDUCATED in our schools by communist Jane Fonda types hippies off spring of the 60’S! We can defeat these idiots the same way their parents were by beating the crap out of them every time we meet up! WE ARE NOT GOING TO LET THEM SURVIVE WE ARE OPENING THE TRAIN STATION THE WAY WE DID IN THE 1960’S AND DRAINING THE SWAMP AND THE SCUM ON TOP WHICH IS, RINO’S AND YELLOW BACK REPUBLICANS! BYE, BYE, RAINBOW FRUITCAKES, SDS, THE SAME AS WE RIDDED OF THEM BACK IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS! SOME GOT THREW THE CRACKS THEN BUT NOT NOW!! ULTRA MAGAN!

    • Long for the good old days. Back then the National Guard would fix bayonets and use tear gas when called for riot control. It was a shame to see that happening in this country but at least the punks knew what would happen if they chose to riot. Now the dummycrats back BLM/Antifa and in some cases even dummycrat politicians will participate in the riots. Just look at the recent event in the Tennessee capitol building. It was stupid to let those dummycrats have their jobs back. No consequences for their actions and that’s why the whole country is going to hell.

  2. It is in the schools they are Destroying the kids i was reading on here about a teacher who was doing things to the little girls in his class and had been for 20 years other teachers knew this but let it go on until the parents got wind of it and these were women that knew about it and did nothing School choice is the right thing now let them go where they are not Brainwashed by bad teacher


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