Nancy Pelosi Confronted, Heckled And Called Drunk To Her Face By Anti-War Protestors!



Calling her “drunk” is an understatement and an insult to drunkards, she’s gone beyond that stage.

I love that one guy after another took their turns confronting her anticipating what would happen.


  1. The thing about the stupid ugly old drunk hag is that she was part of the Marxist anti war group against our Viet Nam vets and she supported our returning military people getting called all kinds of vile nams and even having raw sewage thrown at them, even though it was HER party that got us into that war and refused to let our military win that war. Jane Fonda is one of Pelosi’s heroes. Now the stupid ugly old drunk hag is supporting old senile stupid poopypants Joe’s attempts to start WW3 just because he and the dummycrat’s cash cows, Ukraine and Russia, have dried up because of that war. This whole mess is the fault of the dummycrat party and THEY are the real war criminals.

  2. Whenever a DAMNURAT is in charge they turn this country into chaos. I’m sick of these career politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Sanders and Biden. They are more EVIL the older they get. The DAMNURATS are the MAFIA in the WH, bought and paid for by China. They do whatever they please with no consequences. Throwing out hecklers is an example of puting down our 1st amendment rights. The DAMNURATS can’t stand being confronted, imagine having just even a few hundred hecklers they would go nuts. God bless our troops and thank you to those serving and have served.

  3. She does not consider herself to be a drunk, as described. She is “cultured wine connoisseur” and not the least bit interested in sharing once the bottle is opened. By the time the bottle is empty, she is a subject matter expert on all matters, best known for her single word responses. (Entiresentencesandopinionsthatcomeoutasasingleword.)

  4. One possitive is tax payors are not picking up her boose bills. Loading
    up her free flights back and forth to California always fully stocked as
    her postion as Speaker!!! What a user she has been…perfect example
    of what we do not need in Congress, people like her….Look at her bank
    account…public servant hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    public nuisance more like it….wouldn’t ya say??
    This stuff has been in the news before nothing new…remember from
    reading about it before…

  5. gee all those ultra left Manhattan booing the anti war people! I guess the ultra left Manhattan people love wars.


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