A Reckoning Is Coming…



Russell Brand being called a conspiracy theorist by all news outlets should be a clear indication of how correct he is.

Don’t ask me what I want done to Fauci, it will get me in trouble


  1. I’ll tell you what needs to be done to Fraudci. He should be hung from a lamppost until dead. Show it on TV so everyone can see it. Here’s something else that could be done to him. Strap him to a gurney and make him feel the pain of every helpless animal that he ever tortured, or approved for torture. Do the same things to him that he did to the animals.

  2. If I were President Trump I would not even run in the election.This country is in a total mess due to you know who.I don’t see how it can be fixed.Why take on this headache that you will be blamed for in the end?

    • Yes, what a disaster Trump was as president. Voters flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had. Why is he running again? For the money he can funnel to his golf courses and hotels probably.

  3. Peanut, I agree with you. If I were Trump, I would relax, retire, enjoy the time I have left, and not even run for el presidente. Dopey Joe wrecked our country so badly, I doubt it can be fixed. Even if Trump wins, the Democraps will fight him every step of the way. They will file impeachment after impeachment, just like they did before.

    • Corrupt wannabe dictator Trump is running so he can funnel money to himself. The incompetent buffoon saddled us with another 8 TRILLION dollars debt in his short term. Do you think he cared?

  4. Sounds like a bunch of scared shitless democrats posting here telling Trump not to run, country in such a mess he couldn’t fix it, etc etc!
    True American patriots WANT Trump to run AND WIN to fix the catastrophy the Democrats have made !!.

    • Get serious! Trump was a clueless incompetent buffoon as president. Except for funneling $135 million dollars of taxpayer money to his golf courses. THAT he was good at.

  5. Lawrence, for your information, I’m a Conservative Republican. I fought for our country, then I got kicked in the ass by Democraps. I vote Republican. I can see our country is such a mess, Trump might not be able to fix it. What will we do with all the illegal aliens? It’s easy to say, deport them. But various bleeding heart groups like the ACLU and Catholic Charities will file lawsuits to stop it. “Sanctuary” cities will protect the illegal freeloaders.

  6. Yes, they need someone MUCH smarter than Trump to run the country. He tried once and failed miserably. Voters dumped him, and he seems more demented now.

  7. I didn’t catch Covid, until three weeks after I took the vaccine. I only got the jab, because my girlfriend has asthma. Lying Joe said, “You can’t get Covid, or pass it to someone else, once you are vaccinated.”. I didn’t want my girlfriend to get sick, because I brought Covid home. But, it was all lies from the demoncrats and media.

    • Guess you conveniently forgot how many people were dying before 70% of the population got vaccinated. Why did you think that slowed down? Trump’s horse pills or bleach? LOL!!

  8. It’s great to see that since we flushed the orange turd we now have the strongest economy in the world, the highest oil production in the world, a stock market that has doubled since we told Trump to take a hike, and higher wages and the lowest unemployment rate. For those babbling about high prices, you really thought that presidents tell companies what they can charge for their products?

  9. Some people can never understand even as it happens right before thier eyes. Biden screwed up the economy as well as the Feds raising interest rates. Biden and Kamala pulled out of Afghanistan leaving millions in military equipment. And soldiers got killed because they were left in Afghanistan. Biden and Kamala flooded our nation with illegals. Trump tried to build a wall but the Pelosi women shot it down. We all know why illegals were let in. To let them vote in our country so democrats can get re-elected. But guess what people, if Kamala get in we all suffer. All of you democrats who can’t understand what’s been on going right before our eyes. You all probably will never learn. Ever heard of someone shooting themselves in the foot?

  10. Trump already proved to be useless at playing president, so we flushed we orange turd asap. The only other choice is Harris. We don’t make the same mistake twice. Trump was a total loser.

  11. Do not forget what the majority of Americans think of Trump. They flushed the orange turd at the first chance they had, because he turned out to be a lying, corrupt, traitorous, slimy, POS wannabe dictator with zero ability to run the country. They sure didn’t dump him because he did a decent job. Wake up fools!


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