AOC Has Psychotic BREAK-DOWN After Another ‘Squad’ Member LOSES Election in LANDSLIDE! Humiliation


The Squad is CRUMBLING – Soon there will be nothing left


Defund the police, while she uses tax payer money to pay for her own private security!

Who else can’t wait to Vote Trump ?


  1. I have been saying for a few years that I believe we will see them having demonic manifestation right on national and international T V!

  2. I hope we can defeat Demoncrats and RINOs (Republican in name only) and get people with some common sense.

    Common sense is not so common anymore.

  3. Got what she deserved. Hopefully people are seeing these “squad”members for who they really are. Vote the whole bunch of them and RINOS OUT

  4. In order to save our Great Nation from becoming a 5th World Shit Hole everyone needs to Vote R.E.D. Remove Every Democrat. As long as even 1 Lying Liberal Democrat holds office they will continue to steal our Taxes and from the SSI Fund. We must demand that members of Congress face Term Limits and must be stopped from their practice of investing in Stocks and Properties they themselves are writing laws about. Insider Trading is a Felony for every American yet for members of Congress its a huge perk that makes them instant Multimillionaires. We must demand the practice of them self-governing themselves ends as well. No other Company or Corporation on Earth allows its employees to Vote themselves a Pay Increase. Let’s go back to We the People decide. While we’re at it unless a Member of Congress has served in the Military they need to be stopped from using Military Hospitals, no more free mailings and their quaint Congress Only Barber shop must finally close. Congress should be paid for the work they do and let’s institute a mandatory 40 hour work week where they are either in Chambers voting on or talking about Issues for Americans not every other country that doesn’t pay a penny in Taxes. So seeing they think a 30 day paid vacation is good enough for our Military then they should abide by those same Laws. As for their Pay immediately 100 thousand needs to be removed because we all know they haven’t earned that Pay in at least 30 years. Another Law that needs to change is the Anchor Baby Law. No more Foreigners arriving 8 plus months pregnant knowing if they give birth here their child is a instant Citizen. Oh Hell No!! The 2nd Generation of Births are what should be counted not the I’ve been here for 30 minutes please take me to a hospital so I can deliver my American Ci

    • In the beginning of this country members of Congress were paid for their actually being in Washington doing their jobs and they had to go home when Congress was not in session. It was a part time job also.

  5. Citizen. No more SSI to Illegals either. If you didn’t pay in you get nothing out. No more Welfare for kids you have while on Welfare. If you started on Welfare with 1 or 2 children that’s all your ever going to be helped with. Sanctuary Cities Gone. If a Mayor or Governor even attempts to allow Illegals to stay in their city or state and bars ICE or any Federal Police to enter,arrest and deport Illegals then that Mayor and Governor are immediately removed and charged with High Treason and get to spend the rest of their lives in a Federal Super Max Prison. Illegals should receive 1 and only 1 thing and that’s a 1 way ticket back to home. No more having a President bypass Congress and start sending our Taxes to a Foreign Country. No more snubbing the Supreme Court and giving those who owe student loans a break. They signed their own loans so they can pay it back by themselves. Our Government needs to remember they work for us not Mexico, China or Ukraine.

    • The President isn’t bypassing Congress. The Dems and RINOs are voting for sending our tax dollars to other countries. They’re all in on it.

  6. 1 last thing. No one should ever be allowed to hold Public Office in this Country that was not Born in this Country. No one should ever be APPOINTED To Public Office that was not Born in this Country. Congress made sure to make it a Law that the President has to be a Naturally Born Citizen of the United States of America so its only right that every Official, Judge,Mayor and Dog Catcher be American Citizens as well. I can think of Several Members of Congress that if this were already the Law probably never would have come to America.

  7. They talk about the “rights” of illegal aliens. As I see it, if they entered our country illegally, they have no rights. The only thing they should get is a trip back to their home country. Well, 3 squad members have been kicked out. Blabbermouth AOC should be the next one to go. Her ignorance is on display every time she opens her mouth.

    • Of the original Squad, who’s the third one out? All I can think of is Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush that lost so far. Omar just barely squeaked by and AOL just won her primary re-election. Rashida Tlaib is uncontested in her primary and Ayanna Pressley primary is in September.
      Hopefully all will lose in the general election.

  8. I recently learned that Obama and Bribem have also flown 456,000 illegals into our country from overseas. They belong in prison for bringing illegals here and spending our money to support them. Put them in rail cars back to Mexico, even if they came from Africa. The cartels and Mexico are killing 400 Americans a day with Fentanyl. Read Zpeter Schweitzer’s BLOOD MONEY . How China is fighting a silent war against the USA and they and the cartels are making $Billions, while that amount is being stolen from “We The People”. And our daughters are being raped and murdered by Venezuelan gangs.


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