Armed Citizen Takes On 5 Car Jackers At Wisconsin Gas Station


An armed 39-year-old man is in serious condition after being shot during an attempted armed robbery in Wisconsin early Friday morning. The armed citizen was pumping gas when five criminals armed with guns decided to play Grand Theft Auto in real life.


LEOs are second responders, you’re the only first responder.

Thanks to the 2A, that prepared gun owner went home to his family!


  1. Bad bad situation to find yourself in no doubt!
    I am always telling my wife, kids, family members and friends to always be aware of your surroundings at all times!

    I remember when I first started carrying. 1 extra magazine was recommended back then, now they recommend at least 2, preferably 3.
    It’s a sign of the times and it’s truly only going to get worse for “we the people” due to the agendas that the Left have pushed.

    Open boarders are the first thing that comes to mind. I live in Texas and the crime has spiked to stupid levels just as it has in other states.
    The city I live in is short about 1000 police offers and response time is just scary silly! We are truly our own first responders and if anyone decides to carry (I highly recommend) then please get proper training and never think this type of danger will not ever happen to you!

    Thankfully this man was prepared and thankful he was not in a state that has capacity bans.

    I myself have been a member of USCCA and I hope I never have to make that phone call but it’s nice to know I have that peace in the event stupid comes my way.

    To everyone, please stay safe and healthy during these difficult and unsettling times. Be blessed ⚓️


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