Biden’s desperate move FALLS FLAT | Trump announces big move!!



I was better off when president TRUMP was in the white house !!!

Trump. The only way to go man. Wake up America. Please. Wake up.


  1. Dump tRUMP. Oh wait – he is dumping himself with his loooong boring speeches all about himself!

    Not to mention women don’t want to go back to the 1950s and before. He has a real problem there and he knows it. Can’t take back his words about being responsible for getting rid of Roe v. Wade, no matter how much word salad he piles on top to hide what he did.

    • Some one must of taken a Dump on you
      because all what is coming out of your mouth
      is bull shit
      So blow it out your ASS you brain washed IDIOT

      • Ha-ha-ha-ha! pat – is that all you have to answer me with – a bunch of puerile insults? How about explaining what Project 2025 means to America and why you defend taking women’s rights away?

        • You simply do not know the facts. You have seen nothing but media cover up. They covered up Biden and then America saw who Biden really was. You need to see the real facts as you are showing major ignorance. You probably do not even know that most media is being paid to do this. If Kamala happened to win, you will then be living the real truth and it is not pretty.

        • I’m glad you brought up project 2025. Can you please tell me when Trump talked about it being part of his plans if elected, where he’s promoted it? All I’ve been able to find is where he stated he didn’t know anything about it, that he hadn’t read it. I like doing my own research in order to know fact vs fiction. There’s so much misinformation out there that I stopped trusting what I don’t read/see/hear for myself so please tell me where Trump actually talked about project 2025. Thanks

          • LynetteMt can’t answer any questions or defend the communist Democrat party !! She doesn’t have intelligence and can only parrot the lies fed her.
            I have asked her questions and she runs to Mommy’s basement for her pacifier!!
            She is typical Democrat cult member

          • Debra, you asked about Trump and Project 2025. He has said that he knows nothing about it and that is because he knows what’s in that will cause him to lose the election. You can google Trump and Project 2025 and try to find news operations that are neutral. I wish I could give you some links, but they don’t allow that on this platform.

            There were about 140 people who worked for him who worked on that document, six of them former cabinet secretaries. Four of his former ambassadors worked on it.

            If you believe Trump and everything he says, you will believe his denial. But if you have see the number of lies he has been caught saying you will question his statements about him knowing nothing about Project 2025. How about his statement that he still holds that he did not lose the election in 2020?

    • Hey stupid, it was the supreme Court that ruled on Roe v Wade!!
      Who took a dump on you , especially in your mouth cause all you are spewing is bullshit.

      What has Kamala done in last 3 years??

      • Hey Lawrence – tRump put those three Supreme Court justices on the court and praised them for killing Roe v. Wade – did you miss that part somehow?

        • Did bidumb tell you that !! Those supreme Court judges were put in there by Congress!! Your stupidity is glaring ! Yes TRUMP nominated them but he DID NOT put them in that position!! You are proving your complete and utter stupidity on how our 3 branches of government work !!
          SND the court did NOT kill Roe v Wade !! They sent it back for each state to decide !! Again you are proving your STUPIDITY !! BUT being an uneducated ignorant Democrat cult member that doesn’t surprise me !!
          Even Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!”
          Congrats poster child !!

          • Gee Lawrence, your epithets are really unnecessary. We could just be having a conversation here.

            Yes, they were put in by the Senate, but the Repubs all voted for his choices, the Dems for overwhelmingly the most part did not.

            Gorsuch was nominated by Trump on January 31, 2017, and confirmed on April 7, 2017, by a vote of 54-45 – after Republican leadership changed Senate rules to allow his nomination to go forward with fewer than 60 votes. There were 51 Republicans and 47 Dems in the Senate.

            Brett Kavanaugh, was nominated by Trump to the seat vacated upon Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement. Kavanaugh was nominated on July 9, 2018, and confirmed on October 6, 2018, by a vote of 50-48.There were 51 Republicans and 49 Dems in the Senate.

            Amy Coney Barrett, was nominated by Trump to the Court after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Barrett was nominated on September 26, 2020, and confirmed on October 26, 2020, by a vote of 52-48. Senator Collins was the only Republican to vote against the nominee, with all Democrats and both Independents voting against confirming her.

            The people in these red states are now voting against these extreme policies against abortion. But read Project 2025. Even if they voted to allow abortion they won’t keep it for long if Trump gets in.

        • I asked you what Kamala has done in last 3 years!! You totally ignored that because she has done NOTHING to help Americans!!
          And yet you support the lying POS!!
          AND how many of the 10 million ILLEGALS Kamala has let in have you taken in ?? Or are you one of those libs that want open borders as long as they don’t come anywhere near YOU ?? Are you another hypocrite??

          • Just because I don’t answer you instantly Lawrence doesn’t mean I won’t. I have a few other things than this comment section to do in life.

            Funny, you think Trump doesn’t lie? He has been caught many times – even by Faux News – yet you support him? So if you think Harris lies, then it is okay for me to support her, right?

            Can you tell me what Pence did? You know, that guy that Trump left to be hanged if the mob caught him. The guy who does not support Trump now. You know – that genuine religious guy, not a fake, the former VP.

            Harris is given assignments by the President.

            • Harris was at the forefront of the administration’s pursuit to enshrine voting rights protection throughout the U.S.

            • She oversaw the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

            • Her prior work on maternal and infant health care was a key component of the Build Back Better Act, passed in 2022.

            • She worked on the public-private partnership Central America Forward (CAF). The idea behind CAF is to support the creation of local jobs and other measures in order to slow the flow of mass migration.

            Trump killed the ground-breaking, recent border bill that BOTH parties agreed on because, he said, it would ruin his chances to use the border problems to bolster his campaign. Too bad the Repubs let Trump push them around. They worked hard on that bill for months.

    • You Really NEED to get a Life. How many hours have you spent mouthing off on here ? Yeah…SAD. Trump/Vance 2024 !!!

  2. you dumb asses wake up nobody took womens rights each state makles there own decision on the womens right wake dumb ass get your head out of your ass vote trump if you dont you will be so sorry cause our country will be socicalizem and those fucked up democrats will destroy our country wake the fuck before it ias to late best choice to save us from a third world war and nuck attack is trump so wake or die because you cant see what the hell is going on wake up now or you may never wake up

    • 👍👍💯
      The Democrat cult is utterly uneducated and ignorant !! All they know is the lies and BS fed them by their cult master

      • Who is the Dem’s cult master? Just curious. I am a Dem and have no idea who that might be. (We know the Repubs cult master is Trump.)

        • Pretty stupid if you don’t know who your cult master is !!
          Biden is a puppet!! Obama controls him !!
          Obama is your cult master!!
          Wake up ! Pull your head out of your arse

      • TRUMP stated several times that he does support project 2025 !!
        Check facts and you won’t look as stupid bad you really care!!
        Every thing you said Kamala did is bullshit.
        She is border CZAR and has never been to the border!! She has allowed over 10 million ILLEGALS to cross the border!! Non vetted, non vaccinated !!
        And all you ignorant libs are screaming that you can’t support the illegals coming to your sanctuary cities!!
        Kamala has done nothing !! Quit Lying !!
        Oh you can’t , you are a Democrat cult member

        • Reread post where Lynette MT said Kamala had bill to stop flow of illegals into country but Trump killed it !?
          I laughed so hard at that comment I almost peed my pants!
          Trump is MOT in office you stupid fool !! And Kamala has done NOTHING to stop Flow of illegals!!
          One lie after another from you !!

          Also you uneducated ignorant libs scream Trump will destroy democracy!! One of main principles of democracy is to allow citizens to vote for candidates they want to run for office !! The communist Democrat elite appointed Biden in 2020 and have now appointed Kamala to run !! And the uneducated ignorant cult has allowed that to happen !! You have given up main concepts of democracy and are too stupid to realize it !!
          Communist elite tell you who will run and you had no choice !!
          Stupidity is rampant in Democrat cult !!

          • Oh Lawrence, you think tRump has to be IN OFFICE to squash a bill? Well, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I would like to sell you!

            And you BELIEVE tRump when he has been caught in LIES NUMEROUS times? And not just by the lefties.

            Why are you so scared to research beyond far right sources? Will your belief structure fall apart?


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