Bombshell – Truth Behind ABC Debate Moderators Exposed



It was an attack on Trump, not a debate. Plus, we didn’t learn a thing from Kamala Harris because she was spouting off Obama and Clinton lies. A complete waste of time.

ABC needs to be boycotted! I refuse to watch ABC NBC OR …CNN !


  1. Already boycott CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, and a couple other channels. One of those channels talks about White Supremacy. Daily. Another channel talks about Scientology. I think their beliefs and practices are totally evil. Despite what they say. Will watch ABC, CBS, NBC if a sports event I like is on.

  2. Disgusting Can’t understand none of them because they are repulsive🤮 Agree all the way with Ms.Kelly and more. Garbage like this we don’t need so it will be MAGA Governing again and the American people will show to the incompetent lawyer who fail her test to become a lawyer and the answer she had giving to the moderator about if she was at the border and her answer was NO I was never been in EUROPE well that does it. Can you all imagine if you are (hope not) at war the incompetence of this laughing rat? Wake up our dear and most beautiful people in this world and let me tell all of you they do want to make America to be like any South American country THIRD WORLD (perhaps we already are) COUNTRY that’s why…and let me remain that 81% of the entire world is like that and they want to incorporated our beautiful USA. Never ever I hope I don’t see it. American the beautiful in hands of the most corrupt p o s . AMERICA I beg all of you to vote but the right way. Stop outsiders to take our country that we all work hard and pay our dues okay. My Dear GOD will be in our side. AMEN

  3. I stopped watching at the time harris began lying about the border issues. I didn’t want to have to buy another TV. The moderators were clearly NOT journalists. This was an interrogation not an interview. Equally as bad as when dana bash interrogated Mr. Vance.

  4. Watched for 20 minutes. Shut it off !! Kamala did nothing but LIE!!
    IT WAS 3 ON 1 !! MODERATORS were biased and fact check everything Trump said and let the prostitute lie constantly with no fact check on her!!

  5. It was way too obvious that the fix was in when Cumalot didn’t even answer the very first question asked, and it was all downhill after that!😡

  6. I also agree to drop the Leftist news media attack dogs.. What ever happen to trust? I was taught that these people in these positions were people I could trust, and believe in.
    So good fucking by ABC, NBC, CNN,MSNBC..

  7. Ms. Kelly did a fantastic job of exposing exactly what they were doing ~ exactly correct in are NOT journalists but a disgrace to their industry ~ why is there no outcry as to why the DNC and the media are so ANTI AMERICA !!

  8. ABC And Muir are helping .the Democrats destroy this Nation . The media is helping the Democrats and in turn making the US a Socialist country, We can only hope the ABC and Muir go down with the rest of Socialist media. Muir you are helping to destroy America.

  9. I was shocked. I always thought him to be a good reporter. I won’t be watching Muir or ch 7 anymore. We need to make our own mind up,not brain washed.

  10. Does anyone believe that Kamala cold deal with the likes of Putin, Middle East leaders, China, Korea, and others??? Oh yeah, OK we will stop our wars, disband our nukes, return all hostages and play nice in the playground. Respect for the USA will drop to ZERO if any woman at this time is elected president and much more if it is Kamala. That cackle laugh is the worst ever!!! With the world in the state, it is in it would get much worse!!! GOD BLESS THE USA!!!

    • Right. Kamala will have to wear a burka in Iran with those woman hating Muslims. They won’t even speak to her. No woman is worth anything to those Muslim men! Let’s see if she survives those trips, that is IF she gets to be another illegal President.

    • Bernard John Hennessey Sr – so you would rather have Trump who kissed and will kiss dictator’s asses?

      Women have led countries such as Great Britain, India, Israel, Pakistan and many more. But I guess the US is too misogynistic to vote in a woman…… and certainly too prejudiced. Really sad and backward.

      • Please do not even put Harris in the same category of these leaders like Thatcher ,Meir ,or Gandhi ,these ladies had strength of character and integrity. Harris done nothing on immigration, she can’t even talk to the families of the 13 killed in disaster withdraw in Afghanistan .What about no bail and funds to bail out the rioters in Minneapolis .Pro abortion on 7,8,9 month infant ,and if you say it does not happen just research surgical equipment on late trimester gynecological instruments. She has stated yes in previous years . Why should US taxpayer pay for abortions ?You spew the Democratic mantra of Trump friendly with dictators but he did not give 100’s of million to Iran ,Putin didn’t invade anywhere ,China didn’t send send spy balloons over US or threaten Taiwan or Japan , he didn’t remove the fleet protecting Taiwan or Japan , he didn’t give million to Hamas , he didn’t give one cent to get hostages back ,North Korea stopped launching missiles ,China wasn’t friends with Iran and Afghanistan . NATO for the first time was paying their share of expenses instead of US footing the bill .
        Harris went to a sorority party instead of meeting with Netanyahu during his visit . She can’t even do a debate without getting the questions ahead of time ,sorority sister being a moderator or answer a question without deflecting or lying .
        She didn’t even win Democratic nomination, Pelosi put her in place and if you believe that Biden step down voluntarily then why the threats of their maga donors withdrawal of funds ,Pelosi ,Schumer visits to Biden or the treatment Biden received at DNC . Overseas our news is a joke ,they call it fake news ,do you remember when we had journalists,now they don’t even change the words ,the message is disperse to news agencies to be repeated . The Dems love taxing the middle class ,remember so well Warren Buffet clamping when Clinton said she was going to tax the middle class , Harris billionaire friends are going to have off shore ,tax shelters and hidden assets ,Buffet pays less taxes than his secretary .
        Tell why Tulsi Gabbard day after leaving the Democratic party received a phone call threatening her and she was put on no fly list ,why RFK jr. a Presidental candidate was given no Secret Service protection,his family history,and he had to sue in every state to get on the ballot .
        The Republican had candidates ,I could see Nicki Haley ,strong personality and maybe 2028 ,she is young ,she can publicly speak and knows who she is ,there is no falsehood in her presence .

  11. Remember, WE THE PEOPLE own and control this government, and our own founding documents give us the RIGHT to eliminate you BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY when you fail to comply with OUR beliefs!
    You keep slapping lipstick on this HairAss twit, and WE will keep buying WEAPONS AND AMMO to deal with you.

  12. My wish is that abc, david muir and linsey davis be charged and prosecuted for election interference because of the fact checks misinformation.
    Now I know this won’t happen because all we get is misinformation on the mainstream media, cnn, msnbc, and even on occasion, fox.
    It’s a sad truth that the only news caster that comes anywhere near reporting the truth is the weather anchor.
    “Journalists,” and I use that term very very loosely, like david muir, linsey davis and so many others are nothing but sell outs to the profession. They’re nothing but prostitutes who instead of selling their bodies have sold their souls.

  13. And Trump tells the truth? Give me a break. The RNC has gone to the dogs. As long as Republicans continue to support incompetent candidates and elect equally bad congress and senate representatives, we better get use to having Democrats control the Whitehouse. That is not what we want but we keep making the same mistakes.

    • Yes, it’s amazing that the GOP kept Trump as their candidate when he keeps proving he’s a total loser. The majority of Americans will just keep flushing the orange turd.

      • Yeah, The RNC still agrees with the voters. Not Marxist Authoritarian that after the party votes, Kamala, Shumer and Nancy slam down a few Martinis and tell Bribem he must stand down. Yeah, even though he’s involved in treason and tax evasion with the family and Hunter. He still won. But you, and other lemmings will follow like lambs to the slaughter. Enjoy paying $12.00 for a dozen eggs and $5.00 a gallon of gas if this blooming idiot is put in the Oval Office and working for Obama like Joe’s been the last 3 years, when he’s not been in Rehoboth or working with Hunter on evading taxes on illegal income from our enemies.

  14. This happens to Trump on all debates.Harris never explained anything,all she did was repeat herself and who cares how she was brought up.No way would she get my vote

  15. Just another assassination attempt on President Trump with words and debate interference with him. David Muir was pulling the trigger on the words and interruptions of President Trump. When did biased reporting become so evident . . . oh, this has always been the democratic party media approach. No wonder why no one has any confidence in the reporting today.

      • Ohhh Tony The man – so where do you get your information? Newsmax? The Daily Caller? The Epoch Times?

        How about listening to the words of staunch Republicans who will NOT vote for Trump?

  16. Shame on you David Muir! I’ve always admired you as a fair and honest man. A man of integrity that reported the news without prejudice and in an unbiased way. You showed your true colors during the presidential debate. I’m so disappointed and disgusted with your outrageous behavior. As a moderator and a journalist you SUCK! SHAME…SHAME….SHAME!!

      • Lynette, 96% of everything Trump stated was fact-checked to be true. Even Springfield, Ohio. 20,000 illegal Haitians sent there by Bribem/Harris. A town of 58,000 has now been destroyed, schools can’t teach, drivers licenses are issued with no understanding of English or formal drivers training. Wrecks galore! You and Juan are like jellyfish: Nothing between your ears. True lemmings when the truth smacks you in the face!

        • TroopAbn – can you please give us all that are reading here the source of your news. That is NOT what the Mayor or Governor of Ohio are saying. I guess they might know more about this.

          PLEASE – give us your source.

  17. Pathetic , it’s unfortunate that Trump turned out to be a lying corrupt traitorous POS wannabe dictator who didn’t have a clue how to run the country. He cost us another 8 TRILLION dollars added to the national debt. No big surprise though, from a dope who had 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies. At least the majority of Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd at the first opportunity they had. Thank you god!

  18. But we can’t ever accuse Trump of being a patriot. The lying corrupt traitor tried to overturn the election and the will of the people. (Ask Mike Pence) Most countries have the death penalty for wannabe dictators like that. It’s called TREASON. Imagine what a shithole country this would be if he became dictator?

  19. True facts. It’s great to see that since we flushed the orange turd we now have the strongest economy in the world, the highest oil production in the world, a stock market that has doubled since we told Trump to take a hike, and higher wages and the lowest unemployment rate. For those babbling about high prices, you really thought that presidents tell companies what they can charge for their products?

  20. Politicians need to keep their hands out of women’s vaginas. They are quite capable of making their own decisions about their bodies. They sure don’t need an old pussy grabber like Trump telling them what to do. Every state that has voted is in favor of women’s rights and Roe v Wade. That’s why Trump lost the women’s vote.

  21. Yes, Trump was a pervert along with his only friend Epstein. Now he’s been convicted of sexual assault, and just DESTROYED in the debate against Harris. He doesn’t know how to handle women. Three unsatisfied wives that he cheated on, bangs porn stars and pays hush money. This old freak is a total loser. Looks like 88% of women are going to flush the orange turd in this election. Who could blame us?

    • You are forgetting how Hillary intervene in Epstein Florida case , Bill 30 flights to his island and Africa , Epstein attendance at Chelesa wedding . Bill ‘ rapes of women . Biden ‘ s nickname of Handsy Biden ,even female journalists wouldn’t sit next to him . You forgot Biden daughter’s entry of her diary . Look at the Dem that have Chinese spys as drivers ,assistants or lovers ,aka on intelligence committees. That wear pj to Congress or fall asleep ,don’t forget domestic abuser,fraud ,pedophilia in the party . San Francisco ,Chicago ,Seattle ,Minneapolis and many more Dem cities high crime rates ,San Fran has 800 number for human feces on sidewalk .
      Funny when Trump , Gabbard ,Kennedy were Democrats they were great even billionaire Oprah wanted to be his VP. Gabbard left the Dem party and next day no fly list even to this day ,Kennedy had to sue Dem to get on state ballot ,receive no Secret Service Protection as Presidential candidate .
      Love to watch convention Republicans you see flags ,patriotic people and then Democratic no flags maybe one ,can’t sing National Anthem because they don’t know the words ,celebrities,billionaires,and ex Dem Presidents don’t wear the American flag on their lapels of their jackets . You are remember the word Democratic in the names Socialist and communist countries. You see the defunding police ,weaponizing judicial system ,spying on people , control of news for propaganda.Why are the Dem opposed to removing dead from voter rolls ,why are we ask to vote in different counties ,why are illegals allowed to vote if citizens they would have an interest in this country ,our values and laws .Why are American flags being remove from schools .
      Why are schools having to provide cat litter Furbies (children) ,you can teach a cat or rabbit to use a toilet .
      I look forward to seeing Made in America items , lower gas prices ,even my dog food in 4 pound bags instead 5 now and higher price for food lower ,help our vets , hey we have 17 supply ships in dry dock because no resources,they supply our Naval fleet , who wants to serve in military when present government incompetent and disrespectful, aka Kirby recent response to families of 13 killed in Afghanistan for example . Look at over 800,000 jobs credited but a mistake and the head wasn’t aware of the report ,she says on National tv .I must say the stupidest statement I heard is Jill Biden is a better doctor than Dr Ben Carson . Her doctorate is in Education and not original thesis . He has impacted lives ,Neurosurgery department head at Harvard , first to operate on co joined twins , encouraging children to read programs ,a person of character .

      Think your math is off if 50 % of country is 2 party ,the undecided you hear Harris has done nothing in 4 years , voiced no plan ,has word salad and flip flops,hard to believe that is 88% .

      • Ef,

        What are you detailing about Harris and the Dems but then are completely ignoring about Trump? It doesn’t look to me that you have looked at both sides at all.

        What is your source for ” I heard is Jill Biden is a better doctor than Dr Ben Carson.” Who said that?

        What is your source for “Why are the Dem opposed to removing dead from voter rolls”

        “…why are illegals allowed to vote…” – they are NOT allowed to vote.

        “Why are schools having to provide cat litter Furbies” This is a hoax.
        https ://,%2C%20otherkin%2C%20or%20therian%20subcultures.

        Here are some articles that might broaden your outlook a bit if you are willing to look – I can’t put in links, so remove the spaces after https:

        The naval ships lack STAFFING: https:

        https ://

        As for word salad – have you not heard Trump in a while?

  22. It’s disgusting that Trump was a pervert along with his only friend Epstein. Now he’s been convicted of sexual assault, and just DESTROYED in the debate against Harris. He doesn’t know how to handle women. Three unsatisfied wives that he cheated on, bangs porn stars and pays hush money. This old freak is a total loser. Looks like 88% of women are going to flush the orange turd in this election. Who could blame us?

  23. Juan and Jackie, you are SO right about Trump!! Thank you for telling it like it is!
    There is no way to justify voting for him unless you’re on a jury voting to lock him up !


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